MyVPN Open Source Nonprofit Project Overview


Appendix MyVPN with open source allows to automate management of virtual private networks. Its use does not require system administration skills.


When choosing a VPN provider, trust plays a more important role than the cost of services. Free services are often blamed for the lack of reliable encryption and for tracking users , while commercial services may follow the regulator’s rule and begin to block access to prohibited resources or they themselves will be blacklisted by Roskomnadzor. An ideal option from the point of view of being able to provide anonymity is your own server, but few people want to configure it. MyVPN greatly simplifies its creation.

Why own VPN to an ordinary user?

Usually they are connected to a VPN to ensure safe operation with public wireless access points or to bypass the locks that have been introduced by the regulatory authorities of several states in recent years. Streaming video services can restrict access to content by geographical feature - the need to encrypt traffic or virtually move to another location is quite common.

Any commercial provider with a good reputation is suitable for solving security problems, however, the situation with bypassing locks is more complicated. Last year, Roskomnadzor demanded that large VPN providers begin to comply with domestic legislation. So far, the parties have simply exchanged pleasantries, but at any moment popular foreign services may be blocked. Replacing them is not easy: a low price (2-3 dollars a month) will be given to the user only when paying for a subscription for at least a year, or even three. If the ILV reaches a service provider, this subscription in Russia will turn into a pumpkin.

It is worth taking into account the experience of the Chinese comrades and not paying more than a month, but the monthly tariff plans for large providers are 7-12 dollars. At such prices, the idea of ​​raising your VPN looks attractive, and from the point of view of anonymity, this option is more interesting: who knows what data the VPN providers collect about us? Ordinary users are stopped only by the need to configure and administer the server - the MyVPN project solves this problem.

How does MyVPN work?

It is important to emphasize that MyVPN is not a service, but an application running through the API of a hosting provider for Windows, macOS, GNU / Linux and Android. It automates the creation and removal of VPN servers in the cloud infrastructure of CryptoServers.Net , DigitalOcean or Linode . The user needs to install the application on a computer or mobile device, log into the account of the selected host (if there is no account, you will have to register) and specify the desired region, as well as the protocol. To start your server, just click one button.

Creating a VPN server takes several minutes, after which the application will offer to save the details for access to it. This step is required because the program does not save data in order to increase security.


There is no possibility to automatically configure VPN connections in applications for desktop OS (an exception is made only in the version for Android): to connect to the server, you will have to use system tools. This is also done for security reasons, but the process is not particularly complicated - detailed instructions are available on the MyVPN website. You can create several servers, and they are deleted literally in one click.


Why is MyVPN safe?

The open-source MyVPN application runs on the user's device, does not transfer private data to developers, and does not save access to the VPN servers that are created in your hosting provider account. Of course, the program needs authorization in the personal account of the hosting provider, but without it you can’t get access to the API and create / delete servers, and the open source code allows you to be sure that the login information will not go to the side. In addition, in desktop versions, you can enter the API key from the office of the selected provider.

Integration with CryptoServers.Net is best implemented.. This hoster takes good care of privacy, its chips are absolutely anonymous VPS and the ability to pay in bitcoins. DigitalOcean and Linode are also not seen in espionage scandals, but, in addition to a valid credit card, they sometimes request scans of identity documents. In any case, only the user knows the IP server and has access keys to it - in essence, these are ordinary VPS, and what services are running there is the third thing. In terms of privacy, this option surpasses specialized VPN services that can potentially do anything with your data.

How much is MyVPN?

MyVPN application does not require a license purchase and does not imply a commission for use: only the services of a hosting provider are paid. For example, CryptoServers.Net virtual machine VPN with a channel of 1 Gbit / s costs $ 0.02 per hour and this channel is designed for one subscriber. Application development is monetized through affiliate programs, while hosting providers themselves pay its authors for attracting customers. A simple and logical scheme, comparable in price to the tariffs of large VPN providers: when paying immediately for a year, they can find cheaper options, but at the risk of losing money due to a sudden block by Roskomnadzor. When using MyVPN, only the server lifetime is charged, it can be deleted at any time and recreated.

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