How I did not become a product manager after training at Product Univercity Moreynis and Chernyak

Hello everyone.

I decided to write my first article on VC, but the editor-in-chief banned me because I asked to put pluses of friends, and before that, three times cheap labor removed my publication for some unknown reason, and describe my experience in finding a job as a product manager and training at product university.

The article was written in the summer of 2019, training in the winter of 2018, but only today I publish it (there is a reason).

Briefly with what anamnesis I came to study

In general, by profession I am a business / systems analyst. But in 2016, I was bitten by a startup fly, and I decided to become a startup with smoothies and coworking. To do this, I learned the most startup language and framework - ruby ā€‹ā€‹on rails, came up with an idea and started to implement it. So there was a project - c2s-marketplaces of home cooks or uber for cooks as I called it then. I did it in pink glasses, it was the best time of my life. Worked in the mornings and Sundays, coded, rejoiced and all that. In the summer of the same year I went to get hungry, made a presentation in the style of the early AirBnB, of course, quit my place and all that.

In general, at the first pitch, an ā€œinvestorā€ rolled up to me and after half an hour offered me 2 million in return for 20% of my nonexistent company. In general, he still talked a lot about something, but in the end did not give money, but persistently demanded traction. As a result, I brought the product to release, received the first customers, went to spbstartupday, won the nomination ā€œBest Startup for Citizensā€, I didnā€™t get any money for advertising, I didnā€™t receive investments, but I was invited to do a similar project in the field of food-tech. This time with investments and even a salary. I was also invited to study in the correspondence of IIDF and listened to mega-useful things for two days, but did not go to the correspondence itself, but in two days my startup glasses fell off and the deep truth of life and disappointment in being began.

In general, I launched the second startup, made the first sales, counted the unit economy and ... I realized that there were no prospects. Left and went back to hire. A slave mortgage did not allow me to find a job as a product then, although I wanted and there wasnā€™t as much hype as now. Around the same time, I went through NetX UX and Product Management training. Then I freelanced, crazy blockchain projects with good funding, and here in 2019 after 2 years, I decided that I still need to get a product, because like T-Shaped, guys are also needed here and there.

I just stumbled upon a tempting offer to study with payment on the fact of employment from a product university. Fantasy!!!

About learning

At the entrance of training at the expense of a media resource, a very, very many people. In my stream there were about 700. At the very beginning there is an introductory webinar where everything is told and then the study itself begins.

For me, training looked like a wild conveyor. A lot of material, hard deadlines - you have to report every day, but most importantly, the deadline is only by date. There is no verification of the content, i.e. you can take frank bullshit and everything will be fine. It seems like norms, I decided that I would update my old knowledge and finally get a job. By the way, I was in very disadvantageous conditions: in a small provincial town, where food companies could be counted on the fingers of one hand, and was not officially employed (there was third-party income).

In general, when they showed us the contract, we had to merge, but for some reason I did not listen to myself. As a result, one weekend I had an exit retreat for three days, and I did not have time to meet the deadlines, and they kicked me out. But obligations under the contract remained, but there is no material on the material passed ...

About the contract

The contract is public, so I think it's okay if I give here a legal analysis that also appeared publicly in the product chat, with the permission of the authors, of course. Further copy-paste:

The very essence of the contract is to assist in finding a job such as you hire a manager for yourself, then it is not clear what kind of education you should pay for ?! Many do not need a new place, but they need documents about a training course, advanced training or just additional. knowledge certificate.

Also important:

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  7. 50% , , . 7500 15000 . .
  8. 3.2 . . .
  9. , .
  10. according to the law on personal data, the one who will process personal data must have a separate document on hand - a personā€™s consent to the processing of personal data, which should be specifically named, that is, I consent to the processing of personal data, name, place of residence, phone, information about website addresses, etc. At the same time, the boundaries of data processing do not absolutely follow from the contract, on which particular personal data of the participant the accelerator has such a feeling that for everything.

How did I get a product

In general, in my small town, my need for spending money decreased sharply, and I slowly spent my parachute (deferred finances), and monitored vacancies. Fortunately, one vacancy still appeared. One, Karl! I successfully responded to it, but received no response.

It was in November ... I called the recruiter, received an answer that my resume is under consideration by the head, and they will answer me tomorrow. The answer was interesting - the vacancy disappeared with hh. I scored until spring, when suddenly she appeared again. This time I decided to find a decision-maker inside the company, and go through it. Surprisingly, everything turned out, passed 3 stages of the interview, a successful test and all that. I received an offer with a salary of one third less than the minimum that I requested ... here they are the harsh realities of the province. Of course he refused. My pride did not allow me to earn as much as I earned in a week of freelance part-time per month.

In general, it is not destiny to become a product in hiring, and since it was time to work, almost by chance he was scowled by an analyst. II, under the terms of the contract, I owe half my salary, although PU has nothing to do with finding a job as an analyst. This is my past experience, and product knowledge is not particularly needed there.

In general, I had to think about whether to fulfill my obligations ... And you know, I paid. Not because I was afraid of retaliation, but so that I would have this experience, so that next time I would not sign contracts that were obviously unprofitable for me. I can also erase some karmic story, but I wonā€™t.

In general, I did not become a product in hiring, I paid money, I did not receive any materials.

Summarize the results

Of the minuses

  1. No feedback.
  2. Material for those who are not at all in the subject.
  3. They learn to do a resume in Tilda, but in fact such a resume does not need recruiters, because it does not attach to the ATS system. Application tracking system.
  4. An unethical hack that you have to pay will pay for any fact of employment, and not just employment for the chosen profession, and they do not immediately declare it.
  5. At the entrance, they do not indicate how much time it really takes to complete the task. For example, build CJM in the evening after a hard day, when you first learned such an abbreviation. Well I do not know..

Of the pros

Knowledge can really be gained if you are a beginner.

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The ideal target audience for win-win work is a lonely young inexperienced specialist with technical IT knowledge, but without previous experience in product history. and generally without experience. And with a bunch of free time.

I invite mummies on maternity leave (if there are any) to become product managers!

All good continuing education courses!

Oh yes. Proof
Bullet-requests here

If the designer reads it, you can send a picture to the beginning in the telegram. I will correct the article later along with typos.

Thanks to all!


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