Two-level link building + smooth and stable proportions of growth = increased visibility in search engines

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In modern market conditions, an IT project (startup) is simply obliged, in its arsenal of Internet marketing tools, to develop an SEO direction, since an organic, daily influx of interested users is a fundamental factor in the success of a project.

Closer to the point

We will skip the factors of internal optimization and move on to one of the tools of external optimization - link building.

Specifically, in this article we will consider one of the strategies for building an external link mass. In the future, I may continue to talk about other strategies.

Circuit visualization


First level donors

Basic requirements for external links:

  • a monthly increase in the number of domains from which links to the desired site are present (if you have never worked on this direction, then initially 300 domains per month will be enough, then you can increase the volume);
  • various types of links (in articles, posts, profiles ...) and donor site engines (Drupal-Blog, Wordpress-Buddypress, phpBB, vBulletin, Drupal-Comment ... I already managed to collect more than 300 different options);
  • the bulk of links should have a natural look, that is, not contain keywords in anchors;
  • The volume of nofollow links is not more than 80%.

This, in principle, is enough.

Second level donors

Here I prefer to create semi-automatic news resources (which are quite well indexed by search engines) whose pages contain links to pages of the first level of donors.


This creates a full-cycle mechanism that increases the search weight for the pages of your project.

I repeat - this is only one of the strategies.


We discuss in the comments or write to the drug store .


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