Domain Driven Design Meetup at Raiffeisenbank: Broadcast + Presentations

Join us online on February 6 : we will share our experience in using DDD in real conditions and talk about what problems we face, how we solve them and what benefits we can get.

We will be in touch at 19:00 !

What we will talk about

19:00 . DDD: it’s hard to understand, it’s hard to implement
Mark Shevchenko, an independent developer, the Moscow club of programmers
Mark will share his experience in implementing DDD in small teams. He will tell about the problems and how they were solved. Or failed. PRESENTATION

ABOUT SPEAKER: Programmer and team leader. In his free time he organizes meetings of the Moscow Club of Programmers. As part of club work, he helps programmers make interesting reports and write good articles. In his main job, he leads a small team of specialists. Shows how to write simple code, cover it with tests, use design patterns, and apply SOLID principles. Understands what dependency injection and subject-oriented design is. She makes reports, writes articles, and leads programming courses.

20:30 . Event Storming on practical cases
Sergey Baranov, partner, ScrumTrek
Sergey will answer the questions in the report: what is Event Storming and what problems is it intended to solve? What does the result of the Event Storming look like? How to organize and conduct Event Storming? And how to shift the result obtained from Event Storming into a practical plane? PRESENTATION

About the speaker: 18 years of practical experience. In the past: developer, architect in the field of aircraft manufacturing, banking and information security. Launched and developed cloud hosting and manufacturing in the real sector of the economy. For the past four years, he has been a practicing consultant in architecture, development processes, and product practices. Organizer of the ArchDays Architecture Conference.


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