How to make money on emotion recognition

I’ll tell you about the subject on the example of one of the projects that I was engaged in in 2019, when I was still working at a well-known online English school.

You will learn how we learned from the camera images during the lesson in real time to recognize the emotions of teachers and students, how we used it in the product to increase customer satisfaction, how much money we spent and earned on it.

At the same time, I will show you how the cycle of development and implementation of machine learning models works.

What problem was solved

We conducted an in-depth study to understand the reasons why our students drop out or continue to study. To do this, we interviewed a sample of dozens of students in different segments (who studied for a short time and quickly quit, who studied for a long time, but then stopped, as well as those who continue to study).

Among a number of factors called by our students, a fairly obvious thing surfaced that learning English is objectively difficult, in the classroom, our clients inevitably experience various difficulties (when they don’t understand something or they don’t succeed or are difficult for them) and negative emotions associated with them, and that this reduces their desire to continue learning.

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As a result, the conversion to re-purchase of lessons was statistically significantly increased by students and repeatedly recouped the costs of developing and using this model.

But most importantly, the students were more satisfied with the past lessons.


  1. Title photo taken by Mitchell Luo .
  2. I can’t disclose the names of the English school and the box recognition service under the terms of the NDA.


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