Pinebook Pro: personal laptop experiences

In one of the previous publications, I promised, after I get my copy, to share my impressions of using the Pinebook Pro laptop . In this article I will try not to repeat myself, so if you need to refresh the memory of the main technical characteristics of the device, I suggest that you first read the previous post about this device.

What is the timing?

Devices are made in batches, or rather even in pairs of batches: with ANSI and ISO keyboards. At the beginning, the ISO version is shipped, and then (after about a week) a batch with ANSI keyboards. I placed the order on December 6th, and the laptop was shipped from China on January 17th. As I said in a previous publication , there is no such laptop in Russia, so I had to arrange delivery through an intermediary in the United States. On January 21, the package arrived at a warehouse in the United States and was sent to St. Petersburg. On January 29, the parcel arrived at the PVZ , but half an hour before it was closed, so I took the laptop in the morning of January 30th.

What is the cost?

For the laptop itself and its delivery to the United States, I paid $ 232.99 (15`400.64 in rubles at that time). And for sending from the USA to St. Petersburg $ 42.84 (2`878.18 in rubles at that time).

18`278,82 .


DHL , . . quick start guide ( A4) .

, , . andreyons :

. , β€” . , , .

, "". . (, , ) MinSpeed ( etc/X11/xorg.conf):

    Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "touchpad catchall"
        Driver "synaptics"
        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"

        Option "MinSpeed" "0.25"


synclient MinSpeed=0.25

(Trackpad lack of fine movement and overrun ruining experience) wiki-.

. , :

  • ( )

ISO (UK) , ANSI (US) . :

, :

  • ( , Fn +)
  • Delete ( Fn + Backspace)
  • , F12

, , : ( β€” ) . Delete. Fn + Ctrl.

, , USB Type C HDMI, aliexpress Nintendo Switch ( β€” ), Pinebook Pro. - :

, . , , . Wiki-:

Here are some selection criteria for successfully using the USB C alternate mode for video:
  • The device must use USB C alternate mode DisplayPort. Not USB C alternate mode HDMI, or other.
  • The device can have a HDMI, DVI, or VGA connector, if it uses an active translater.

USB Type C DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI . , . , USB Type C .

Debian (MATE). :

  • : , Super (Win) .
  • Android- MTP. MTP : .
  • youtube FireFox. .

, 32- : armhf, arm64.

64- Manjaro ARM Xfce . Xfce, Xfce *BSD-. β€” . , , .

, , , . , , , - ( , ).

, , - . ( 100% 0) ( 40). Debian, Manjaro ARM suspend- β€” Manjaro ARM 19.12 Official Release β€” PineBook Pro:

Known Issues:
  • Suspend does not work

, . youtube ( WiFi . . " " ( ). .

. :

, .

, - , USB Type C. USB Type C β€” Charging via USB-C. USB Type C ( , - ).

. , ( ) . 10- , , . , .

, , , . , , (, , - ). , ( , - ). , .

. - Irbis, Acer Lenovo ( Windows 10 ). , Pinebook Pro, , , ( ) - .

, , . " ". Pinebook Pro ( ). , , .

The current situation (COVID-19) unfortunately led to the fact that the production schedule is currently frozen. On the official forum there were branches on the sale of used models. Often, sellers set a price equal to the cost of a new device and paid delivery (220-240 $). But particularly entrepreneurial personalities sell their copies at auction for $ 350 . This indicates that there is interest in these devices, and in the case of Pine64, the community determines a lot. In my opinion, the Pinebook Pro life cycle will be long and successful (at least for end users).


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