The Perfect Game, or Capacity Building System

My recent research, the result of which is described in previous articles, led me to think: what if we create a system opposite to the Suppression System - the System of Disclosure of Potential, applicable to planet Earth and humanity? This system describes the rules of such a device multidimensional living environment of creatures, in which the entropy of consciousness is minimized. The creatures living / playing in it realize all the Potential available to them - the totality of all their intellectual, physical and all other resources given to them in all space and time, in full. In other words, how to make a perfect game?


This article is a concept paper in which I describe the approach to developing a Capacity Building System, not a design document. Unnecessary details and details are omitted intentionally, in order to focus on the essence of the System of disclosure of potential. I do not guarantee that you will understand everything that will be said in the article and that it fully corresponds to your worldview, approach to cognition and the familiar style of the articles you read. The ideas presented below are my personal opinion, philosophical reflections on the topic and do not claim to be completely infallible. How many people, so many hashes of consciousness, I just share mine with the cautious assumption that this will be interesting to someone. Perhaps someone, having plunged deep enough into my thoughts, will be able to look at familiar things from a new angle or find a source of inspiration. All peace! Chased.

Idea for the perfect game.

Almost ten years ago I wrote the science fiction novel “The Other Side of Infinity”, essentially just giving out the contents of my subconscious mind. The meaning of the written fully reached me only now and it struck me with its depth and crystal clear clues to the secrets of the Universe. For example, a detailed description of regression therapy, about which I then knew absolutely nothing at the level of consciousness, or the inversion of the System of suppressing potential into the System of discovering potential, about which I then had very vague ideas. Now I am developing a new version of the book, in which I describe the transition of mankind to the System of unlocking potential in a more systematic way, knowing much more details of the structure of our world and realizing that this is not fiction, but a real version of our possible future.

One of my main interests in life is the creation of game worlds with unusual and fascinating rules for the interaction of players between themselves and with the environment. The creation of worlds in one form or another has always been available to man, and with the advent of video games, this activity has reached a new level. People are already creating full-fledged virtual universes, in which they conduct experiments with the rules for the interaction of players between themselves and with the world itself. And the trend is such that every year there is more and more “virtual” content, which has a very real impact on people's minds, and immersion technologies are being improved. In fact, the potential of humanity is increasingly switching to the worlds that are created by the same humanity. Everything goes to the point that sooner or later completely immense universes will be created,each of which gives its own unique experience.

Varying around this industry, I realized that the key universal rule of a good game is that it allows you to reach the state of the stream and stay in it for a long time. A flow within a game is a trance state of immersion in the game process, achieved when solving a game problem is not very easy, not impossible, and difficult, exactly to the extent that a player uses a significant part of his potential, intellectual and other resources. An important aspect of such a game streaming state is that the player is interested in the game tasks on their own and being in the stream during their execution causes a loss of a sense of time and a slight euphoria.

Once, when I was looking at the above art for the Wildstar multiplayer role-playing game, I clicked in my head and I realized: it depicts how two creatures, playing, are in a state of flow. And I had an understanding that a world close to ideal is one in which such states of flow are not random and momentary, being in them is taken as a rule, and the world itself, all its aspects, contribute to all creatures staying in the flow, located in this world. It turns out that the basic rule of a good “virtual” world is fully implemented in this “real” world. What kind of world is this? What aspects does he have? Is it possible to make or achieve it in one way or another? I managed to look into it through a small click, but this was enough for an in-depth understanding of its essence to come.Now, to all these questions, I gradually find answers, collecting pieces of this world in my head and which I am going to transfer to my book. Parts of the multidimensional mosaic of the device of that world, which is under the auspices of the Disclosure System of Potential, I gradually find in various aspects of life on planet Earth - works of culture and art, research, people, emotions, feelings, material and intangible objects, etc. And here the question arises - where is the source of these pieces of mosaic?emotions, feelings, material and intangible objects, etc. And here the question arises - where is the source of these pieces of mosaic?emotions, feelings, material and intangible objects, etc. And here the question arises - where is the source of these pieces of mosaic?

Everything that exists in the world, once was just a dream. The thing is that that world close to perfect will gradually materialize in our reality. Humanity longs to be in such a world and yearns for it - remember, for example, the hype surrounding Cameron's Avatar, in which a model of such a harmonious world was shown. A person, even taking one step at a time to Pandora, like Jake Sally with the help of an avatar or a spectator with the help of cinema magic, realizes its deep beauty and begins to dream at least for some time to be forgotten in it without a trace. And since there is a request for such a number of living beings to create a harmonious world, then its realization will also be. The perfect world gradually descends to us on the floors of reality, starting with the information plan, and now its pieces taking on materialization are appearing, for example,in works of art. And from the pieces I found, I create a small but completely assembled mosaic that displays the complete mosaic, trying to predict what this perfect world will be and by what rules it will work, in essence I collect its hash sum. And the world, in turn, is a multidimensional hash sum of those sections of the minds of people who are responsible for their ideas about a harmonious world. General ideas about it, in turn, are taken from our structure as people (material and non-material aspects), and private ones are taken from the individual characteristics of the a multidimensional hash sum of those sections of the minds of people who are responsible for their ideas about a harmonious world. General ideas about it, in turn, are taken from our structure as people (material and non-material aspects), and private ones are taken from the individual characteristics of the a multidimensional hash sum of those sections of the minds of people who are responsible for their ideas about a harmonious world. General ideas about it, in turn, are taken from our structure as people (material and non-material aspects), and private ones are taken from the individual characteristics of the person.

Where am I looking for mosaic pieces?

Traveling between parallel real and “virtual” worlds, getting into other worlds and realities through space and time, visits of inhabitants of other worlds to Earth, reincarnation in other worlds are almost the main topic of Japanese mass culture. In a huge number of these adventures are described in a runob, manga, anime. As a vivid example of where I get pieces of mosaic and how a perfect world materializes in works of art, I will give the anime No Game No Life.

The plot is this: a certain world is torn by a terrifying war. To stop it, “Ghosts”, a neutral group of people, as a result of a series of manipulations by opponents, get to a powerful artifact that allows you to get full access to the magical power of the planet and almost unlimited power to control space and matter, as well as the ability to move between dimensions. However, the leader of the Ghosts who reached the artifact cannot take it into his own hands, because he is already on the verge of life and death. But a suitable creature that can be trusted with an artifact still appears. At a critical moment, due to the proximity of the source of magical singularity, the leader’s idea of ​​the Perfect Player (with whom he “constantly played chess” with himself) materializes, Tet, the god of games, emerges from it, picks up an artifact and then begins to create a harmonious world order ,in which there is no place for the horrors of the past. In the world he built, the distribution of key resources and “war” between magical races occurs through games in which the races use their unique abilities. Equipping the world, Tet travels between dimensions in search of new games, strategies and talented players.

Interpreting the plot in accordance with my ideas, we can say that the leader gets to his Source, which has unlimited power and is fully aware of itself as a pure idea, its original version, the version of a perfect player. He transforms into the god of games and after that he, in accordance with his True Essence, the original idea that opens up access to the magical singularity, begins the arrangement of his world, choosing from an infinite variety only that which he considers interesting and harmonious.

What other ideas do I follow when developing the System for Unleashing the Potential - an information matrix that manages the work of a world close to perfect, which humanity longs for?

The essence of one of the most important intellectual artifacts in the world, the philosophy of Russian Cosmism, can be expressed in the words of its founder, Nikolai Fedorov: “Therefore, in nature there is no expediency, that man himself must make it, and this is the highest expediency”. Also let me quote an article on Nikolai Fedorov from Wikipedia: “Paying attention to the fact of the direction of evolution to the generation of reason, consciousness, cosmists put forward the idea of ​​active evolution, that is, the need for a new conscious stage in the development of the world, when humanity directs it in the direction that it dictates to it reason and moral feeling, takes, so to speak, the helm of evolution in its own hands. For evolutionary thinkers, man is still an intermediate being, in the process of growth, far from perfect, but at the same time consciously creative,designed to transform not only the outside world, but also its own nature. Essentially, this is about expanding the rights of conscious-spiritual forces, about managing matter by the spirit, and about spiritualizing the world and man. Space expansion is one of the parts of this grand program. The cosmists managed to combine the concern for a large whole - the Earth, the biosphere, the cosmos with the deepest demands of the highest value - a specific person. ”

I can confidently state that all of the above thoughts can be fully attributed to my worldview, which served as the source for the beginning of the development of the System of Disclosure of Potential. It is obvious to me that our Universe has given us an infinitely great variety of everything in the world, absolutely everything , including for the purpose that, when we, knowing one or another facet of infinity, understand which of them are interesting for us, and accordingly fill them their lives. The system of unlocking potential in that version of the mosaic, which I collect on the basis of aspects of human civilization, is trying to incorporate the very best of these facets of infinity. I try to take the concept of “better” not from my ego, but based on the PSA rules listed in the second part of the article.

The most important part of the development of PSA was the awareness of the System of Suppression of Potential and the details of its work. In fact, the Disclosure System is in many ways, if not all, the opposite of the Suppression System.

A small remark to the ideas of cosmists. Now there will be real science fiction, and I ask you to treat what has been said exactly as science fiction. One of the key ideas of Nikolai Fedorov is to return the ancestors from oblivion: at a certain stage in the development of mankind, all people who ever lived will live again. It sounds completely unimaginable. However, at the moment, we, researchers of human consciousness, among other things, are engaged in revealing to people the memory of other spaces and times, including the past, which they can see and feel independently on behalf of the characters who lived then. Without any animus and excipients. And we, in essence, returning the knowledge of the past and the future, “return from the nonexistence of the ancestors”, which at the moment, in this space and time, we are.

In fact, the cosmos that we need to master first of all, the endless cosmos available to every person, is inside of us. Mastering it, we get access to unlimited resources of space, time, our Potential, timeless knowledge, and most importantly, wisdom, how to use it all.

Perfect Game Rules

The System of Disclosure of Potential is an informational abstraction that describes such a device of a multidimensional living environment of creatures in which the entropy of consciousness is minimized. The life (game) of the creature in the PSA is most harmonious, in accordance with its True Essence and Aspects of nature. In the System of Disclosure of Potential, the creative intentions of your True Essence and your Aspects are not subject to distortion, and you have all the necessary resources and a suitable environment to realize these intentions.

The True Essence is the source of consciousness that governs the transcendental singularity, is responsible for the realization of your Potential in all times and dimensions. This is a purely informational entity outside of time and space, which, going down the floors of reality, ultimately takes on the form of a player. The True Essence operates in denser worlds through the Superconsciousness - the control interface through which it controls its avatars in different times and realities, and exercises control over the experience that it receives with their help: the realization of its Potential, the totality of energies of the Aspects.

Aspects of nature are directly related to the energy-informational design of a person, chakras and their energies:

  1. Aspect of harmonious energy exchange
  2. Aspect of ecstatic flow, creativity and sexuality
  3. Aspect of the will
  4. The aspect of unconditional love
  5. Aspect of Expression
  6. The Aspect of Conscious Knowledge
  7. Space communication aspect

In the System of revealing the potential, Aspects of nature are of equal importance, without hierarchy and domination, and the player has equal opportunities to express any Aspect to the extent he wants.

In the System of disclosure of potential, flowing states of expression of one's own nature are the unconditional norm. Being in the Stream is a standard state of a player living in the System of disclosure of potential.

The system of unlocking potential is spared from those aspects that lead to entropy and degradation of consciousness, it lacks sources of prolonged peak negative emotions, feelings, sensations, thoughts and actions. It does not have those egregors that ultimately lead to the above, due to the lack of a nutrient medium for these egregors.

In the System of Unleashing the Potential, the law of Free Will is fully observed: only those events can occur with you that do not go against the aspirations of your True Essence. The very connection of your incarnations with the True Essence is crystal clear, and any possible distortions to it are approved and do not contradict the rest of the PSA rules.

The system of revealing the potential gives the creatures playing in it only those conditionally negative aspects and exactly to the extent that allows the experience of finding the creature in the System of Disclosing the Potential to be exciting and interesting.

The system of unlocking potential is saved from karma in the form in which it exists now, and cause-effect relationships are controlled by both your True Essence and PSA rules.

Karma is a high-level code that exercises control over cause and effect relationships. As players can influence this code, so the code can influence the player, his parameters and the events that happen to him.

Any resources developed in the System of disclosure of potential ultimately benefit all beings living in the System, and the parasitic influence of external consciousnesses and systems is excluded.

Living in the System of Disclosure of Potential, you are a crystal clear facet of your True Essence, without any distortions.

The system of discovering potential as such is an informational materialization of the Aspects of all creatures abiding in it. In other words, the System of disclosure of potential is a hash of all Potentials of all creatures that are in it. It also means that, at a certain level of awareness, the creature living in the System for revealing potential gains access to all the faces of this system.

As a general result, the entropy of consciousness of creatures abiding in the PSA is minimized. Creatures playing in the PSA can use their full Potential, available under the PSA, in full.

Despite all of the above, the Potential Disclosure System is partly subjective, as the compilation of its initial multidimensional formula containing the cornerstone parameters requires a series of certain choices and decisions.

How to achieve a capacity building system?

I hasten to please - you already have all the resources necessary to achieve the PSA. The source of magical singularity is within you. Your personal future depends on you, the degree of harmonization of the Aspects of you, your environment and the entropy of your consciousness. You yourself are your personal Universe and you, only you and no one else, are free to adjust its parameters as you wish, to use your multidimensional potential in exactly the way and to the extent that you wish. Your main assistant in achieving the true goals and in the full disclosure of the Potential is the highest Aspect of yourself, the True Essence.

It is this knowledge (conscious knowledge) that is the main antidote to the virus of the Suppression System and a pass to the System of Unlocking Potential - many worlds united by the idea of ​​harmony, filled with bewitching experiences and amazing adventures.


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