Google will return the old look of search results

Google will redesign the search results again . Recently, a flurry of criticism fell on the company in connection with the update, after which the organic results became almost indistinguishable from advertising.

Google makes money from clicks on search ads and doesn’t earn money when users click on one of the regular results. And, accordingly, begins to earn more, reducing the differences between the first and second.

This can be called a rather malicious decision (or at least unethical) on the part of the company whose mantra in the past was “not to be evil” (which they threw out of their Code of conduct in 2018 )

Users began to notice the changes two weeks ago, and at least one of them wrote about it:

There is something strange in the last update to the design of Google search results. There are favicons and more text in the headers. Now everything looks like advertisements, is that probably what you intended?

Google responded with a slightly ambiguous message on its corporate account, saying that the redesign actually had to achieve the opposite result.

“Last year, our mobile search results took on a new look. This week we are rolling out the same changes for desktops: brand icons and domains come to the fore, and ads are marked with a bold “Ad” icon, ”the company writes.

Senator Mark Warner, in between impeachment hearings, spoke to The Washington Post about how bad the search redesign is.

“Over the past few years, we have seen many cases where Google made paid ads even more indistinguishable from organic search results,” says Warner. “This is another example of a platform that uses its position as a“ monopolist ”for commercial gain, to the detriment of both consumers and small businesses.”

It's funny that Google did it, despite dozens of antitrust investigations against the corporation.

Google logic is easy to understand. Advertising revenue is no longer growing as before; for the company, this is a slowdown in the development of its core business. The numbers need to be increased, the graphics must be increased, and the gray methods no longer seem so bad.

Now Google uses the same tricks that they once fought to become the main American search engine. When the company first launched its search service, advertising was clearly separated from Google’s search results. Over time, the border between ads and organic blurred more and more.

The story of how Google search ads faded

“The search results appeared almost instantly and was just a page of links and short descriptions - perfection, in which there is nothing to add or remove,” said UX expert and founder of Harry Brignall about the original search results in an interview with TechCrunch.

“Google’s back-propagation algorithm has never been used to index the Web, and very quickly forced competitors to swallow dust. They proved that programmers can turn the Internet around and for this they do not need managers in ties. Throw away all excess trash. Just do one thing and do well. ”

“As Google’s ambitions change, the background color slowly faded. Now it has disappeared completely, ”Brignall added.

In a recent statement, the company acknowledged that its latest experiment may have gone too far and said it would “continue to experiment” with the results displayed.

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, . . Google, — .

, . , “Ad”. - , . , . .


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