2020: trends and forecasts

The new year has begun - it's time to make plans. What awaits us this year? What new things and changes do you need to prepare for? We made our forecast of the main trends and probable changes in the IT sector. And at the end of the year it will be interesting to recall and compare today's expectations and fait accompli.

Automation of IS incident response processes

In 2020, we expect further development of automation of information security processes. First of all, it will affect the response processes to information security incidents. This will be a logical continuation of the trend towards the establishment of a Security Operations Center (SOC). Many organizations have already implemented Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, which are the core technology of such centers. Now, these systems are beginning to acquire additional functionality.

For example, to automate incident response, solutions of the SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) class are used. With their end-to-end integration with SIS, typical operations are accelerated dozens of times, for example, uploading / downloading a list of compromised hosts between different SIS.

Of course, it is impossible to automate the entire response process both from a technical point of view (not all protection tools have a suitable API for this), and methodological (many operations require thoughtful analysis by analysts), but response automation is an unconditional trend in the 2019-2020 information security .

Protecting the development and development of containment environments

Technologies to protect containerized environments will continue to gain in popularity. This is due to the fact that in many organizations client development is carried out on a microservice architecture, which is constantly changing and requires the use of security tools that can work at the level of a containerization system. Together with the increasingly popular DevSecOps approach, comprehensive protection of development and development tools is one of the main trends of 2020.

Big data

Over the past few years, Big Data has been a hot topic - the whole business has looked this way, exploring the possibilities of technology. As a result, projects began implementing Data Lakes using Big Data. However, the practical benefits of this were often lower than expected. Data falls into the lake of poor quality, it is falsified or does not correspond to the tasks for which the lake was built. And now, finally, this problem has become clear to the masses.

We can say that 2020 will be the year of the struggle for the purity and quality of data using IT tools and organizational measures. At the same time, the scope of Big Data will continue to develop, and the attitude to technology will become more practical. It will be introduced and developed to solve specific problems, and not because it is fashionable.

Retail customer interactions

If the whole of 2019, retail worked on omnichannel - interacting with the client through various channels, making him happier and richer himself, now this sector is aimed at building a long-term strategy for managing customer experience (CX, Customer Expirience).

The industry has reoriented itself towards the search for gaps between the products / services offered and the real needs of customers. Companies are ready to develop services and communication channels that were previously unusual for retail, which will lead to optimization of the Customer Effort Index (CES, Customer Effort Score) and, in the long run, to a qualitative change in the industry and an increase in the buyer’s LTV.


The development of containerization technologies and microservices continues. If in previous years there were only separate projects using these technologies, albeit quite high-profile ones, this year it will become mainstream.

When it comes to highly loaded vital systems for business, the requirements for security, reliability, operation, flexibility to change and accelerate the release of updates to the market will increasingly lead to the fact that developers, operations, security specialists, business and QA will work a single team and in a single logic DevSecOps.

Machine learning

Mass implementation of machine learning is most often hindered by organizational measures that accompany the implementation process. Here the main changes will take place.

A key technological challenge is the quick adaptation to changing data. How to work with a model when historical data is outdated or a new data type appears? Let's say a new machine with new sensors arrived at the plant, retail added a new product category, etc. Therefore, a lot of effort will be put into research work in the field of AutoML and work with synthetic data.


For several years, many large organizations have been moving towards independent solution development, attracting contractors only through team extention and smartsoursing. This approach, in addition to its known strengths, has its drawbacks: the contractor is only responsible for the quality of specialists paid in the T&M logic, and on the organization side, the leading part of the team can be distracted by other tasks and not have any part of the competencies. This reduces the effectiveness of projects and erodes responsibility for the result. Now that the problems have become visible, a transformation awaits this area. Gradually, the teams of contractors will share at least part of the responsibility for the final result of the projects and become more involved in the business processes of the organization.


The whole world is waiting for the global launch of fifth-generation networks. They will provide high speeds - up to tens of Gbit / s - and a minimum delay in signal transmission, as well as push the development of IoT and inter-machine communication in all its manifestations.

In Russian million-plus cities, a new standard for cellular communications is planned to be launched by 2020. According to the Ministry of Communications, at least eight cities in Russia will be covered. 9 pilot 5G support zones have already been launched in Moscow.

By the way, the first successful cases of using the technology were back in 2018, when MegaFon and Huawei demonstrated the technology of remote ultrasound and genetic sequencing in 5G networks. And in 2019, the first 5G e-sports tournament was held - and so far this is the only pilot project with the real use of 5G and Cloud Gaming technologies in the field of digital entertainment. The event was held as part of the broadcast of the Dota2 The International 2019 super tournament.

Wi-Fi 6

The new Wi-Fi 6 standard significantly increases the density of connections, that is, each access point can support more subscribers. This is especially important for organizing wireless access in large shopping centers, airports and cities in general. However, in Russia, the demand for Wi-Fi 6 will be formed more slowly than abroad, since solutions based on Wi-Fi 6 are mainly designed by foreign vendors with a long planning horizon. A possible obstacle to the implementation of the new standard is the lack of an obvious advantage for individuals and certain segments of the business. However, Wi-Fi 6 is indispensable for implementing Smart City and IIoT concepts. The tangible result of the transition to the new standard will be noticeable only if all devices on the network support Wi-Fi 6 - we expect this process to develop in 2020.

Infrastructure as code

“Infrastructure as code,” sometimes called “programmable infrastructure,” is a model by which the process of setting up the infrastructure is similar to the process of programming software. Essentially, it marked the beginning of breaking the line between writing applications and creating environments for these applications. Applications may contain scripts that create and manage their own virtual machines. This is the foundation of cloud computing and an integral part of DevOps.

"Infrastructure as code" allows you to manage virtual machines at the software level. This eliminates the need for manual configuration and updates for individual equipment components.

Infrastructure becomes extremely flexible, that is, reproducible and scalable. One operator, using the same set of code, can perform the deployment and management of both one and a thousand machines. Among the advantages of the approach are speed, profitability and risk reduction.

Smart everything

Engineering systems and gadgets are endowed with "intelligence", and then begin to analyze incoming data from the outside. Smart toaster, smart video surveillance, smart helmets for enterprises are just some examples of improved items. This approach increases the controllability and efficiency of devices and allows you to create ecosystems of machines and things from the offline world that can communicate online both among themselves and with their owner.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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