Development of IT-sphere in Slovakia. Work benefits for young professionals

The development of the IT sector in Slovakia is being actively discussed by local media. And this is not surprising, because since May 2019, the country has officially headed for the information transformation. The government has developed and approved a strategy according to which by 2030 the country will not only have an intellectual revolution, but also tangible results of such changes.

From words to facts

Today, about 120 IT companies operate in Slovakia. Along with local firms, global market leaders such as IBM operate. According to analysts, the net total profit of these companies over the past year has grown by 15%.

By the end of last year, service centers or sharing servises employed about 24 thousand people. This sector has two capitals in Slovakia: Bratislava and Kosice, in which there are branches of most companies. The largest of them is IBM, which employed 5,000 people at the end of 2018.


For telecommunications companies, last year was also a success. Total profit was increased by 13.3%.

Recently, the Ministry of Economy of Slovakia launched the Smart Cities project. Within its framework, several small projects received more than half a million state subsidies. To attract innovative entrepreneurs, Miriam Letashieva, who holds the post of head of the strategy and innovation sector, held several presentations.

Today, Slovaks are actively promoting the concept of a shared economy. In Bratislava and Kosice, automated bike rental systems were installed. Car sharing is also a very popular service. Uber is actively operating in Bratislava, realizing the concept of a taxi working through an application. To introduce this technology, amendments were made to the legislation.

The government has high hopes for the Slovak-American Tachyum project. The main specialization of the company is the production of electronic chips. The project has already received a government loan of 15 million euros.

About Startup Financing

Support for innovations and promising ideas is one of the main directions in the development of the Slovak IT sphere. For example, ESET owners invest several interesting projects, including:

  1. Slido A program designed to combat fear in answering questions.
  2. Specter Sports. The company manufactures nozzles for hockey sticks.
  3. Psiometry. A program that allows you to identify the faces of users.

GA Drilling became interested in plasma deep hole developments and even invested 18 million euros in the project. The OTP Early Bird collaboration has invested 3.3 million euros in a proprietary process analyzer program.

Also received funds:

  1. The system of world yacht rental - 800 thousand euros.
  2. Garbage management software - 1.3 million euros.

Benefits for Immigrating to Slovakia


In connection with the development of the IT sector in Slovakia, immigrants can receive the following benefits:

  1. Getting prestigious work in the IT field. Today, more than 35 thousand specialists are involved in this industry. In 2018, the number of employees increased by 3.5%. And at the same time, an acute shortage of personnel (about 10,000 specialists) is still being carried out in this area.
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It should be understood that the vast majority of training courses in Slovakia are taught in the Slovak language. In addition, many faculties that allow you to get education in the IT field, require passing entrance exams. Therefore, last but not least, you should think about how to improve the language level. To do this, there are intensive language courses that allow you to master the language for several months. One of the most popular language schools is Ican School, which prepares students for admission to any specialty in the Slovak language.


Another opportunity to quickly obtain a residence permit in Slovakia is business immigration. If a foreigner can prove that his project is innovative, he will receive the following benefits:

  1. Obtaining a residence permit card within a month after submitting documents.
  2. On an entrepreneurial account you need to have a total of 8500 instead of 21000.
  3. To extend the residence permit, the annual income of the entrepreneur should be 4200 euros instead of 12600.

In addition, a foreign businessman receives the following tax advantages:

  1. For organizations conducting research activities, an extra deduction is provided.
  2. Patentbox for copyright protection, grant of patents, franchises.

Today, a number of laws have been passed in Slovakia that encourage the development of new products and services, which opens up attractive opportunities for IT specialists to use tax bonuses.

Using a tax deduction alone, a company can cut costs by 50%. The amount of taxable profit is also reduced, as a result of which the amount of tax becomes half as much. Saved money can be spent on the development of the organization.

Slovakia is a country of great opportunities not only for the IT sector. Bold ideas are welcome here and promising business projects are supported.


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