Leading scientists in the field of neuroscience will gather at the annual congress of the neuronet industry union

The event will be held on Saturday, February 15, at ASI's Boiling Point. Members and partners of the community are invited to participate: entrepreneurs, scientists and developers, as well as representatives of development institutions implementing projects in the field of neurotechnology.

This is the fifth congress in the history of the Neuronet Industrial Union. And for the participants this is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with opinion leaders in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnology, to communicate with representatives of the Neuronet working group under the Government of the Russian Federation, representatives of development institutions and successful businesses.

The number of participants is limited, so priority will be given to the current partners of the union. To participate in the event you need to submit an application on the Leader-ID platform website.

At the congress, the results of the industry for 2019 will be summed up, as well as work plans for 2020. During the congress, market representatives will be able to get to know each other, exchange contacts and establish business contacts.

To get the approval of the organizers, you should indicate in the questionnaire data on which you can confirm your attitude to the community.

The program of the V Congress program will include:

  • a lecture on the prospects for the development of neuronet technologies;
  • panel discussion “Results and development plans of the Neuronet community”;
  • partnering session (organization of meetings and negotiations among the participants of the Congress);
  • panel discussion "Project Support Tools in NTI, Digital Economy and other specialized programs";
  • buffet reception.

The program is being specified. The current version is always available on the registration page .

Location and date: Moscow, Maly Konyushkovsky Lane, 2, ASI Boiling Point, February 15, 10-00.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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