Session Survey Results

Hello everyone!

It's time to look at the results of the survey about the sessions. The survey did not cause much excitement - a total of 505 people took part. The results on Habré and on the official blog turned out to be quite similar. The answers to the question "Do you use sessions?" So:

Poll in the official blog

  • Yes: 42.3%
  • No: 57.7%

Poll on Habré

  • Yes: 38.7%
  • No: 61.3%

The combined data is presented below.

Combined data

In general, the function of the sessions turned out to be even more popular than expected, which is not only pleasing, but also allows you to add sessions even more priority in the formation of plans for further development.

Yes, and answering a possible question: the results of absolutely every survey are announced at the weekly meeting of the entire development team.

That's all, see you on Friday.

Picture dylan nolte


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