Einbetten von ColorPicker in JavaScript Gantt zum Ändern von Farbaufgaben

Hallo, mein Name ist Zhenya und ich bin nur ein weiterer Bewohner des JavaScript-Universums, der interessante Erfahrungen in der Frontend-Entwicklung mit Ihnen teilen möchte, nämlich das Anpassen des Gantt-Diagramms.

, . , :

. .

, . — . , , JavaScript .

, . :

  • , ,

JavaScript DHTMLX Gantt. , , — .

— :

  • GPL v2 ;
  • 700$ 3000$ .

— .

, GPL GPLv2 , (TLDRlegal). , — / front-end/ , . , , . - , .

DHTMLX JavaScript . , , .


DHTMLX Gantt :

, . DHTMLX Gantt, — color picker, . .

HTML5 JavaScript, .

. JS CSS , , ( ):

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <script src="codebase/dhtmlxgantt.js"></script>
   <link href="codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <div id="gantt_here" style='width:100vw; height:100vh;'></div>
      window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => {

HTML js , , , . 1 ( ) 2 ( ). , , ( ):

    data: [
        id: 1, text: "  ", start_date: "01-05-2020", duration: 18, open: true
        id: 2, text: "  ", start_date: "02-05-2020", duration: 4, parent: 1
        id: 3, text: "  ", start_date: "07-05-2020", duration: 5, parent: 1
    links: [
      {id: 1, source: 1, target: 2, type: "1"},
      {id: 2, source: 2, target: 3, type: "0"}


Inline Editors

: , , .

, editor:

gantt.config.columns = [
      {name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true, editor: textEditor},
      {name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true, editor: dateEditor},
      {name: "duration", align: "center", editor: durationEditor},
      {name: "add", width: 44}

type, , map_to, , . , , :

const textEditor = {type: "text", map_to: "text"};
const dateEditor = {type: "date", map_to: "start_date", min: new Date(2020, 0, 1), 
    max: new Date(2021, 0, 1)};
const durationEditor = {type: "number", map_to: "duration", min:0, max: 100};


, .

, : (select) (color picker). , -colorpicker.

, HTML5 input color, .

. :

gantt.config.editor_types.custom_editor = {
  show: (id, column, config, placeholder) => {
    // called when input is displayed, put html markup of the editor into placeholder

    // and initialize your editor if needed:
        placeholder.innerHTML `<div><input type='text' name='${column.name}'></div>`;

  hide: () => {
    // called when input is hidden 
    // destroy any complex editors or detach event listeners from here

  set_value: (value, id, column, node) => {
    // set input value

  get_value: (id, column, node) => {
    // return input value

  is_changed: (value, id, column, node) => {
    // called before save/close. Return true if new value differs from the original one
    // returning true will trigger saving changes, returning false will skip saving 

  is_valid: (value, id, column, node) => {
    // validate, changes will be discarded if the method returns false
    return true/false;

  save: (id, column, node) => {
     // only for inputs with map_to:auto. complex save behavior goes here

  focus: (node) => {                                                 

, :

  1. show, color:

    gantt.config.editor_types.color = {
      show: (id, column, config, placeholder) => {
        placeholder.innerHTML = `<div><input type='color' name='${column.name}'></div>`;

  2. hide , , , :

    hide: () => {},

  3. set_value get_value:

    set_value: (value, id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      input.value = value   
    get_value: (id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      return input.value;

    , task. , , .

  4. is_changed. , , :

    is_changed: (value, id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      return input.value !== value;

    , , true, . true , false .

  5. is_valid , false, , :

    is_valid: (value, id, column, node) => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");
      return !!input.value;

  6. save , , , .

  7. focus :

    focus: node => {
      const input = node.querySelector("input");


. type , ( type: “color”).

  const textEditor = {type: "text", map_to: "text"};
  const dateEditor = {type: "date", map_to: "start_date", min: new Date(2020, 0, 1), 
      max: new Date(2021, 0, 1)};
  const durationEditor = {type: "number", map_to: "duration", min:0, max: 100};
  const colorEditor = {type: "color", map_to: "color"};
  gantt.config.columns = [
      {name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true, editor: textEditor},
      {name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true, editor: dateEditor},
      {name: "duration", align: "center", editor: durationEditor},
      {name: "color", align: "center", editor: colorEditor},
      {name: "add", width: 44}

color, . , , — , color:"#FF0000":

    id: 2, text: "  ", start_date: "02-05-2020", duration: 4, parent: 1, color:"#FF0000"

, , “color” . :

gantt.config.columns = [
      {name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true, editor: textEditor},
      {name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true, editor: dateEditor},
      {name: "duration", align: "center", editor: durationEditor},
      {name: "color", align: "center", label:"Color", editor: colorEditor, template:
       (task) => {
          return `<div class='task-color-cell' style='background:${task.color}'></div>`
      {name: "add", width: 44}

, div . css , :

    border:1px solid #cecece;

: https://plnkr.co/edit/yGWtLzoELPrhJV2K?preview

Color Picker

DHTMLX Gantt , , jquery Spectrum.


<!DOCTYPE html>
     <script src="https://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.js"></script>   
     <link rel="stylesheet"href="https://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css">
     <script src="http://bgrins.imtqy.com/spectrum/spectrum.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://bgrins.imtqy.com/spectrum/spectrum.css">
     <script src="script.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <div id="gantt_here"></div>

. let editor, . , , input .
show. , .

: editor.spectrum("show") show, . , show placeholder- . -, color picker , placeholder .

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
  let editor;
  gantt.config.editor_types.color = {
    show: (id, column, config, placeholder) => {
          placeholder.innerHTML = `<div><input type='color' name='${column.name}'></div>`;

          editor = $(placeholder).find("input").spectrum({
            change:() => {
          setTimeout(() => {

Als nächstes habe ich die "hide" -Methode definiert - der Destruktor wird aufgerufen, wenn der Editor geschlossen wird:

hide: () => {
      editor = null;

Die übrigen Methoden unterscheiden sich nicht zu stark von der ursprünglichen Implementierung. Sie müssen nur die Art und Weise ändern, wie Sie die Werte vom Steuerelement erhalten:

 set_value: (value, id, column, node) => {
    editor.spectrum("set", value);
  get_value: (id, column, node) => {
    return editor.spectrum("get").toHexString();
  is_changed: function (value, id, column, node) {
    const newValue = this.get_value(id, column, node);
    return newValue !== value;
  is_valid: function (value, id, column, node) {
    const newValue = this.get_value(id, column, node);
    return !!newValue;
  focus:(node) => {

Danach sollte alles wie erwartet funktionieren!

Und dies ist ein Link zu meinem Beispiel mit dem eingebauten Farbwähler .

Ich hoffe, dieser Artikel hilft Ihnen beim Anpassen der Farbe von Aufgaben im Gantt-Diagramm.

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