Über die Übersetzung von "Praxis" / "Praktikabilität" ohne Praxis / Praxis

Die unbestrittene Führungs- und Lokomotivoption für die Übersetzung von nahezu „praktischen“ Phrasen sind Ableitungen von Phrasen in der Praxis / Praxis :

  • Wenn Volvo zum Beispiel anfängt, die Sicherheit seiner Autos weniger zu betonen und sich mehr auf einen brillanten Stil zu konzentrieren, kann dies seine Anhänger mit einer praktischen Einstellung aus der Marke verdrängen .
  • Wenn Volvo zum Beispiel weniger Wert auf Sicherheit als auf schickes Styling legt, könnte dies praktisch denkende Volvo-Fans ausschalten .


  • : ?
  • Practicality: Can you actually create reasonable testing plans?

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  • This book is a journey through both the principles and the practicalities of data systems, and how you can use them to build data-intensive applications.

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  • You rarely have to use data structures such as binary search trees in the real world

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  • Note that perfect trees are rare in interviews and in real life

  • Each of the above components should have realistic instructions

  • , 4000 , … .
  • The disadvantage though is that we are now relying on 4000 different machines to operate perfectly. That may not be realistic

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  • … it suggests that we could make a system tolerant of every possible kind of fault, which in reality is not feasible.

  • In reality, good architectures usually involve a pragmatic mixture of approaches…

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  • When the lag is so large, the inconsistencies it introduces are not just a theoretical issue but a real problem for applications.


  • Bridgewater Associates
  • By sharing them with the people at my company, Bridgewater Associates, and inviting them to help me test my principles in action

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  • I had no idea how to go about getting that knowledge or how to act on it until we made these discoveries about how people think differently.

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  • While operating this way might sound difficult and inefficient, it is actually extremely efficient.

  • , , . 2012 …
  • To give you an example of what this process looks like in action, during the spring of 2012 our research teams used…


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  • But experiential learning is so much more powerful.

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  • Experience creates internalized learning that book learning can’t replace.

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  • Your other interviews will be mostly technical and will involve a combination of coding, algorithm, design/architecture, and behavioral experience questions

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  • Your performance in such interview questions would be evaluated with respect to your experience level.


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  • There are huge differences between memory-based book learning and hands-on, internalized learning.

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  • Cracking the Coding Interview is the result of my first-hand experience interviewing at top companies and later coaching candidates through these interviews.

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  • … people who agreed with our work principles in the abstract but had trouble living by them

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  • While believability-weighted decision making can sound complicated, chances are you do it all the time…

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  • Since I was a kid, I’ve learned by doing.

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  • Think of these as problemsolving questions.

  • — Palantir.
  • A coding challenge is a common part of Palantir’s process.

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  • I did my undergrad at Berkeley and spent a few summers working at startups…

  • ( , ) Θ O .
  • In industry (and therefore in interviews), people seem to have merged Θ and O together.

  • , - , O(N).
  • Industry would just say this is O(N).

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  • This is a good takeaway for you to have. When you …

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  • There are a number of applications for this.

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  • … they would not withstand a determined adversary, but they are nevertheless simple and pragmatic steps toward better reliability.

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  • The excitement of visualizing these ideas and my desire to build them out is what pulls me through the thorny realities of life to make my dreams happen.

, ;-).

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