Einführung in IDAPython

Es gibt nicht viele Artikel über die Arbeit mit IDAPython auf Russisch (und insbesondere in Habr). Wir werden versuchen, diese Lücke zu schließen.

Für wen. Für diejenigen, die bereits wissen, wie man in IDA Pro arbeitet, aber noch nie Skripte in IDAPython geschrieben haben. Wenn Sie bereits Erfahrung mit dem Schreiben von Skripten unter IDAPython haben, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass Sie hier etwas Neues finden.

Was wird nicht hier sein. Wir werden Python-Programmierung und grundlegende Arbeit in IDA Pro nicht unterrichten.


, IDAPython — - Python, IDA . IDAPython "" IDC ( - IDA Pro).

, IDAPython , API . IDAPython python IDA ( C:\Program Files\IDA 7.0\python).

IDA Pro 7.0. IDAPython IDA "" ( ). IDA 7.4 Python 2.7 64-bit.

7- IDAPython API, 7.4 API. idc_bc695.py , - . 2017 API, .


IDAPython — , , , .


  • ,
  • /,
  • / ( , ),
  • - /,
  • .

, — .

IDAPython :

  • ea — Effective Address — IDA, ;
  • here() , Disassembly-. — long;
  • idc, . , ;
  • "" ELF.

IDAPython :

  • IDA;
  • File — Script file (Alt + F7);
  • File — Script command (Shift + F2);
  • IDA Pro -S.



IDA. , , Python.

Python CLI


  • Python.
  • (, , ) , .
  • Tab.
  • .
  • help dir Python .
  • Output window (Alt + 0).

Segments idautils , IDA. Output window IDA CLI:

Python>import idautils
Help on function Segments in module idautils:
Get list of segments (sections) in the binary image
@return: List of segment start addresses.
Python>for ea in idautils.Segments():
Python> print("%08x %s" % (ea, idc.get_segm_name(ea)))
08000000 .isr_vector
080000c0 .text
08006f9c .rodata
08007a14 .init_array
08007a18 .fini_array
20000000 .data
200001f8 .bss
200006c8 ._user_heap_stack
200017f8 abs

Script File

File — Script file (Alt + F7) .

(Hex / Char / Decimal). op_, :

  • op_bin(ea, n) — ;
  • op_dec(ea, n) — ;
  • op_oct(ea, n) — ;
  • op_hex(ea, n) — hex-;
  • op_chr(ea, n) — ;
  • op_seg(ea, n) — ;
  • op_stkvar(ea, n) — ;
  • op_stroff(ea, n) — ;
  • op_enum(ea, n) — ENUM-;
  • op_plain_offset(ea, n, base) — .


  • ea — , ;
  • n — ( ); mov eax, 0x10:
    • eax — 0- ;
    • 0x10 — 1- ;
  • base — offset- () .

IDA 7.0 Python 2.7, ( ).

# coding: utf-8
File: transforms.py

START = 0x08000038
END = 0x08000084

def make_offsets32(start_ea, end_ea):
    """     """
    for ea in xrange(start_ea, end_ea, 4):
        idc.op_plain_offset(ea, 0, 0)

def make_dwords(start_ea, end_ea):
    """   32-   hex-"""
    for ea in xrange(start_ea, end_ea, 4):
        idc.op_hex(ea, 0)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    make_dwords(START, END)

Python, IDA. make_dwords START END. , , IDA CLI.

IDA Recent scripts ( View — Recent scripts Alt + F9):

: IDAPython-, , IDA, Python 2 , IDA .

Script Command

File — Script command (Shift + F2) IDA. , , . , .

. Run.

IDA c -S

IDA Pro, , . ( F1) Command line switches.

, :

> "C:\Program Files\IDA 7.0\ida.exe" -A -Sscript_name.py rhino.idb

  • -A ,
  • -S script_name.py IDB-.



  • print Output window (Alt + 0);
  • Output window Disassembly- , IDA. Output window , Disassembly-.

134239060         # 1.    
0x8005354L        # 2.    
Python>"%08x" % here()
08005354          # 3.   
aErrorWrongHead   # 4.   

  • input/raw_input ;
  • ask_- ida_kernwin idaapi.

IDAPython , "" IDA Pro. IDA 7- .

IDAPython- ( — " ").


, , . IDAPython IDAPyHelper, .

IDAPython Cheatsheet

IDAPython . — .



. , , (Xrefs X), .

, , . IDAPython.

memcpy. , 11 memcpy.


  • - memcpy;
  • memcpy ;
  • ;
  • .


  • idautils.CodeRefsTo(func_ea, flow) — , - . flow ( 0/1) , . flow = 0;
  • idc.prev_head(ea) — , ;
  • idc.get_operand_value(ea, n) — n- . , . ARM :
    • R0 — 0;
    • R1 — 1;
    • R2 — 2 ;
  • idc.get_operand_type(ea, n) — n- . :
    • o_void = 0 — (, NOP);
    • o_reg = 1 — ;
    • o_mem = 2 — ;
    • o_phrase = 3[Base Reg + Index Reg],
    • o_displ = 4[Base Reg + Index Reg + Displacement];
    • o_imm = 5 — -;
    • o_far = 6 — FAR-;
    • o_near = 7 — NEAR-;
    • ;
  • idc.print_operand(ea, n) — ;
  • idc.set_cmt(ea, comment, repeat) — (. ).

ARM (R0-R3), :

  • ;
  • , R0, R1, R2 ( memcpy 3 );
  • , hex- , .



— , . idc.set_cmt(ea, comment, rpt) repeat = 0:

(repeatable) — , . idc.set_cmt(ea, comment, rpt) repeat = 1:

()idc.update_extra_cmt(ea, n, comment):


# coding: utf-8
File: funcargs.py

import idautils

MEMCPY = 0x08006B26

def get_function_arg(ea, narg):
    """  n-   """
    while True:
        ea = idc.prev_head(ea)
        if idc.get_operand_value(ea, 0) == narg:
    if idc.get_operand_type(ea, 1) in (idc.o_imm, idc.o_mem):
        res = "0x%x" % idc.get_operand_value(ea, 1)
        res = idc.print_operand(ea, 1)  
    return res

def set_comment_by_args(func_ea, nargs):
    """      """
    for ea in idautils.CodeRefsTo(func_ea, flow=0):
        func_args = []
        for i in range(0, nargs):
            arg = get_function_arg(ea, i)
        args = ', '.join(a for a in func_args)  
        comment = "(%s)" % args
        idc.set_cmt(ea, comment, 0)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    set_comment_by_args(MEMCPY, 3)



, get_function_arg:

def get_function_arg(ea, narg):
    """ n-   (  )"""
    while True:
        ea = idc.prev_head(ea)
        if idc.get_operand_value(ea, 0) == narg:

    if idc.get_operand_type(ea, 1) in (idc.o_imm, idc.o_mem):
        res = "0x%x" % idc.get_operand_value(ea, 1)
        res = idc.print_operand(ea, 1)  

    return res

, , . x86, . n- push :

def get_function_arg_value(ea, narg):
     n-   (  ).
    i = 0
    while True:
        ea = idc.prev_head(ea)
        if idc.print_insn_mnem(ea) == "push":
            if i == narg: break
            i += 1

    res = idc.get_operand_value(ea, 0)
    return res


– ( , , assert). . "sendMsg error %s", "recvMsg error" "freeMsg error".

, , , . , .

, , sub_8006690:


0x08005034 R0 "sendMsg error %s\r\n". : , 0x08005040:

Python>"%08x" % get_operand_value(here(), 1)


  • ( – 2 );
  • 32- , , (PC).

IDA , , .

, :

  1. x_printf idautils.CodeRefsTo
  2. ( R0) idc.get_operand_value ( get_function_arg, ).
  3. idc.get_wide_dword.
  4. idc.get_strlit_contents.
  5. , .
  6. "" , idc.set_name.


# coding: utf-8

import idautils

PRINTF = 0x08006690

def get_function_arg(ea, narg):
    """ n-  """
    while True:
        ea = idc.prev_head(ea)
        if idc.get_operand_value(ea, 0) == narg:

    if idc.get_operand_type(ea, 1) == idc.o_mem:
        res = idc.get_operand_value(ea, 1)
        res = idc.BADADDR

    return res

def get_func_name(str_log):
    """     """
    words = str_log.split(' ')
    if len(words) > 1 and words[1].startswith("error"):
        return words[0]
        return ""

def rename_by_log_str(log_func):
    """ ,   log_func   """
    for ea in idautils.CodeRefsTo(log_func, 0):
        arg = get_function_arg(ea, 0)
        if arg == idc.BADADDR:
        str_addr = idc.get_wide_dword(arg)
        str_log = idc.get_strlit_contents(str_addr)
        func_name = get_func_name(str_log)
        if func_name:
            print("0x%08x - 0x%08x - %s" % (arg, str_addr, func_name))

if __name__ == '__main__':

, ( – get_func_name) .


IDA . , , , . , , , .

– .


  • idc.get_color(ea, what) – ;
  • idc.set_color(ea, what, color) – ;
    • RGB hex- 0xBBGGRR (--)
    • what :
      • idc.CIC_ITEM = 1 – ;
      • idc.CIC_FUNC = 2 – ;
      • idc.CIC_SEGM = 3 – .


for i, ea in enumerate(xrange(0x08005196, 0x080051AE, 2)):
    idc.set_color(ea, CIC_ITEM, 0x0f << (2 * i))

0x08005196 0x080051AE :

, ARM- , , :

: .


  1. . idautils.Segments(), .
  2. . idc.get_segm_attr(segm, attr), . SEG_CODE ( — SEGATTR_TYPE) .
  3. . idautils.Heads(start, end), (, ) start end.
  4. idc.get_full_flags(ea) is_code(flags) , ea.
  5. .



def colored_code():
    """        """

    code_segmnets = filter(lambda segm: \
                          idc.get_segm_attr(segm, SEGATTR_TYPE) == SEG_CODE,\

    for segm in code_segmnets:
        end = idc.get_segm_end(segm)
        for ea in idautils.Heads(segm, end):
            flags = idc.get_full_flags(ea)
            if idc.is_code(flags):
                idc.set_color(ea, CIC_ITEM, BLUE)
                idc.set_color(ea, CIC_ITEM, PINK)

, is_code(flags) , . get_full_flags(ea).

colored_code :

, IDAPython , ( idautils.Segments idautils.Heads), (idc.set_color), (idc.get_strlit_contents) (idc.get_wide_dword).

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