Grundlegende LXD-Funktionen - Linux-Containersysteme

Laut Quelle ist LXD der Containersystemmanager der nächsten Generation . Es bietet eine Benutzeroberfläche ähnlich wie virtuelle Maschinen, verwendet jedoch stattdessen Linux-Container.

Der LXD-Kern ist ein privilegierter Daemon (ein Dienst, der mit Root-Rechten ausgefßhrt wird), der die REST-API ßber den lokalen Unix-Socket sowie ßber das Netzwerk bereitstellt, wenn die entsprechende Konfiguration installiert ist. Clients wie das mit LXD gelieferte Befehlszeilentool senden Anforderungen ßber diese REST-API. Dies bedeutet, dass unabhängig davon, ob Sie auf den lokalen Host oder die Remote zugreifen, alles auf die gleiche Weise funktioniert.

LXD, LXD QEMU . — , , , , , LXD Linux.




, LXD :

  • LXD /usr/bin/lxd — ( REST API), LX Linux, D — . , lxd
  • LXC /usr/bin/lxc — , C command line client for LXD

, lxc, lxc init, LXD — lxd init lxc init.

— Ubuntu Arch Linux. Ubuntu , snap- LXD , , .

LXD Ubuntu ^

Ubuntu 19.10 lxd snap-:

apt search lxd

lxd/eoan 1:0.7 all
  Transitional package - lxd -> snap (lxd)

, , , snap-. , , snap- snap-.

lxd snap- :

snap find lxd

Name             Version        Summary
lxd              3.21           System container manager and API
lxd-demo-server  0+git.6d54658  Online software demo sessions using LXD
nova             ocata          OpenStack Compute Service (nova)
nova-hypervisor  ocata          OpenStack Compute Service - KVM Hypervisor (nova)
distrobuilder    1.0            Image builder for LXC and LXD
fabrica          0.1            Build snaps by simply pointing a web form to...
satellite        0.1.2          Advanced scalable Open source intelligence platform

list , lxd :

snap list

Name  Version    Rev   Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core  16-2.43.3  8689  stable    canonical✓  core

, LXD snap-, lxd, , /usr/bin ..

sudo apt update
sudo apt install lxd

, snap-:

snap list

Name  Version    Rev    Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core  16-2.43.3  8689   stable    canonical✓  core
lxd   3.21       13474  stable/…  canonical✓  -

LXD Arch Linux ^

LXD , — , — :

sudo pacman -Syyu && sudo pacman -S lxd

, LXD , lxd:

sudo usermod -a -G lxd user1

, user1 lxd:

id -Gn user1

user1 adm dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev lxd

lxd , . .

systemd LXD :

sudo systemctl enable lxd


sudo systemctl start lxd


sudo systemctl status lxd


LXD — , . , .

LXD (Storage) ^

LXD, .

(Storage) Storage Pool ZFS, BTRFS, LVM . Storage Pool (Storage Volume) , .

  • — Linux
  • — ,
  • —

LXD lxc storage — lxc storage --help

Storage Pool LXD :

lxc storage list

|  NAME   | DESCRIPTION | DRIVER |             SOURCE             | USED BY |
| hddpool |             | btrfs  | /dev/loop1                     | 2       |
| ssdpool |             | btrfs  | /var/lib/lxd/disks/ssdpool.img | 4       |

Storage Volume Storage Pool lxc storage volume list:

lxc storage volume list hddpool

| TYPE  |          NAME                    | DESCRIPTION | USED BY |
| image | ebd565585223487526ddb3607f515... |             | 1       |

lxc storage volume list ssdpool

|   TYPE    |            NAME                  | DESCRIPTION | USED BY |
| container | alp3                             |             | 1       |
| container | jupyter                          |             | 1       |
| image     | ebd565585223487526ddb3607f515... |             | 1       |

, Storage Pool BTRFS, Storage Volume subvolumes BTRFS :

sudo btrfs subvolume list -p /var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/hddpool

ID 257 gen 818 parent 5 top level 5 path images/ebd565585223487526ddb3607f5156e875c15a89e21b61ef004132196da6a0a3

sudo btrfs subvolume list -p /var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/ssdpool

ID 257 gen 1820 parent 5 top level 5 path images/ebd565585223487526ddb3607f5156e875c15a89e21b61ef004132196da6a0a3
ID 260 gen 1819 parent 5 top level 5 path containers/jupyter
ID 263 gen 1820 parent 5 top level 5 path containers/alp3

Storage Pool ^

LXD , Storage Pool. BTRFS. . :

Optimized image storagenoyesyesyesyes
Optimized instance creationnoyesyesyesyes
Optimized snapshot creationnoyesyesyesyes
Optimized image transfernoyesnoyesyes
Optimized instance transfernoyesnoyesyes
Copy on writenoyesyesyesyes
Block basednonoyesnoyes
Instant cloningnoyesyesyesyes
Storage driver usable inside a containeryesyesnonono
Restore from older snapshots (not latest)yesyesyesnoyes
Storage quotasyes(*)yesyesyesno


, LXD. lxd init :

lxd init

Would you like to use LXD clustering? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Do you want to configure a new storage pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Name of the new storage pool [default=default]: ssdpool         
Name of the storage backend to use (lvm, btrfs, dir) [default=btrfs]: 
Create a new BTRFS pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Would you like to use an existing block device? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Size in GB of the new loop device (1GB minimum) [default=15GB]: 10GB
Would you like to connect to a MAAS server? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Would you like to create a new local network bridge? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
What should the new bridge be called? [default=lxdbr0]: 
What IPv4 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]:
Would you like LXD to NAT IPv4 traffic on your bridge? [default=yes]: 
What IPv6 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: none
Would you like LXD to be available over the network? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Would you like stale cached images to be updated automatically? (yes/no) [default=yes] no
Would you like a YAML "lxd init" preseed to be printed? (yes/no) [default=no]: 

Storage Pool ^

Storage Pool ssdpool /var/lib/lxd/disks/ssdpool.img. SSD .

, , Storage Pool , Storage Pool , HDD. , LXD Storage Pool /var/lib/lxd/disks/ , . / Storage Pool loopback- source.

, Storage Pool loopback- . , 10GB:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img bs=1MB count=10000

10000+0 records in
10000+0 records out
10000000000 bytes (10 GB, 9,3 GiB) copied, 38,4414 s, 260 MB/s

loopback- loopback-:

sudo losetup --find --show /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img


--show loopback-. , , :

losetup -l

/dev/loop1         0      0         0  0 /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img        0     512
/dev/loop0         0      0         1  0 /var/lib/lxd/disks/ssdpool.img   0     512

, /dev/loop1 loopback- /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img, /dev/loop0 loopback- /var/lib/lxd/disks/ssdpool.img Storage Pool.

Storage Pool LXD loopback-. LXD loopback- /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img /dev/loop1 BTRFS:

lxc storage create hddpool btrfs size=10GB source=/dev/loop1

Storage Pool :

lxc storage list

|  NAME   | DESCRIPTION | DRIVER |             SOURCE             | USED BY |
| hddpool |             | btrfs  | /dev/loop1                     | 0       |
| ssdpool |             | btrfs  | /var/lib/lxd/disks/ssdpool.img | 0       |

Storage Pool ^

Storage Pool, , . Storage Pool BTRFS :

sudo truncate -s +5G /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img
sudo losetup -c /dev/loop1
sudo btrfs filesystem resize max /var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/hddpool

loopback- loopback- ^

, , /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img "" /dev/loop1 LXD . /dev/loop1 .

unit service /etc/systemd/system/ SystemD:

cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/systemd/system/lxd-hddpool.service
Description=Losetup LXD Storage Pool (hddpool)

ExecStart=/sbin/losetup /dev/loop1 /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img



sudo systemctl enable lxd-hddpool

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/lxd-hddpool.service.


systemctl status lxd-hddpool.service 

● lxd-hddpool.service - Losetup LXD Storage Pool (hddpool)
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/lxd-hddpool.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (exited) since Wed 2020-04-08 03:43:53 MSK; 1min 37s ago
    Process: 711 ExecStart=/sbin/losetup /dev/loop1 /mnt/work/lxd/hddpool.img (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 711 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

 08 03:43:52 manjaro systemd[1]: Starting Losetup LXD Storage Pool (hddpool)...
 08 03:43:53 manjaro systemd[1]: Finished Losetup LXD Storage Pool (hddpool).

, active, , , RemainAfterExit=true.

. ^

, LXD , :

  • — UID GID , . , UID 0 , UID 0. , root , .

  • — UID GID 0 65535, SubUID SubGID . , UID=0 SubUID + UID. -, , - , - , UID/GID.

, SubUID SubGID.


sudo touch /etc{/subuid,/subgid}
sudo usermod --add-subuids 1000000-1065535 root 
sudo usermod --add-subgids 1000000-1065535 root

, LXD :

sudo systemctl restart lxd


lxd init lxdbr0, LXD , ( , bridge) .

( , bridge) :

. . , , . IPv4, ipv4.nat NAT:

lxc network create lxdbr0 ipv4.address= ipv4.nat=true ipv6.address=none


lxc network list

| eno1   | physical | NO      |             | 0       |
| lxdbr0 | bridge   | YES     |             | 0       |

, Linux- — ip link ip addr:

ip addr

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether bc:ee:7b:5a:6b:44 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp0s25
    inet6 fe80::9571:11f3:6e0c:c07b/64 scope link noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: lxdbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether c2:38:90:df:cb:59 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet scope global lxdbr0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::c038:90ff:fedf:cb59/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
5: veth3ddab174@if4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master lxdbr0 state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ca:c3:5c:1d:22:26 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0


LXD . , :

, LXD : default, hddpool hostfs. ( ). default root pool ssdpool, hddpool pool default root pool hddpool, hostfs .


lxc profile list

|  NAME   | USED BY |
| default | 1       |
| hddroot | 0       |
| ssdroot | 1       |


lxc profile --help

  Manage profiles

  lxc profile [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add profiles to instances
  assign      Assign sets of profiles to instances
  copy        Copy profiles
  create      Create profiles
  delete      Delete profiles
  device      Manage instance devices
  edit        Edit profile configurations as YAML
  get         Get values for profile configuration keys
  list        List profiles
  remove      Remove profiles from instances
  rename      Rename profiles
  set         Set profile configuration keys
  show        Show profile configurations
  unset       Unset profile configuration keys


default . , . , . , , / .

eth0 nic lxdbr0:

lxc profile device add default eth0 nic network=lxdbr0 name=eth0

, , IP , IP . IP , ( ) IP , .


lxc profile show default

config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
    name: eth0
    network: lxdbr0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: ssdpool
    type: disk
name: default
used_by: []

, (devices):

  • eth0 — nic ( ) lxdbr0
  • root — disk ssdpool


Storage Pool , ssdroot disk / (root) Storage Pool — ssdpool:

lxc profile create ssdroot
lxc profile device add ssdroot root disk path=/ pool=ssdpool

, disk, Storage Pool — hddpool:

lxc profile create hddroot
lxc profile device add hddroot root disk path=/ pool=hddpool


lxc profile show ssdroot

config: {}
description: ""
    path: /
    pool: ssdpool
    type: disk
name: ssdroot
used_by: []

lxc profile show hddroot

config: {}
description: ""
    path: /
    pool: hddpool
    type: disk
name: hddroot
used_by: []


Linux. , , . .



  • ubuntu: (for stable Ubuntu images)
  • ubuntu-daily: (for daily Ubuntu images)
  • images: (for a bunch of other distros)

lxc remote list

|      NAME       |                   URL                    | PUBLIC | STATIC |
| images          |       | YES    | NO     |
| local (default) | unix://                                  | NO     | YES    |
| ubuntu          | | YES    | YES    |
| ubuntu-daily    |    | YES    | YES    |

, ubuntu: :

lxc image -c dasut list ubuntu: | head -n 11

|                   DESCRIPTION                | ARCHITECTURE |   SIZE   |   TYPE     |
| ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 (release) (20150728)  | x86_64       | 153.72MB | CONTAINER  |
| ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 (release) (20150819)  | x86_64       | 152.91MB | CONTAINER  |
| ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 (release) (20150906)  | x86_64       | 154.69MB | CONTAINER  |
| ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 (release) (20150930)  | x86_64       | 153.86MB | CONTAINER  |

-c dasut, head.

. AlpineLinux:

lxc image -c ldast list images:alpine/3.11

|            ALIAS             |             DESCRIPTION              | ARCHITECTURE |
| alpine/3.11 (3 more)         | Alpine 3.11 amd64 (20200220_13:00)   | x86_64       |
| alpine/3.11/arm64 (1 more)   | Alpine 3.11 arm64 (20200220_13:00)   | aarch64      |
| alpine/3.11/armhf (1 more)   | Alpine 3.11 armhf (20200220_13:00)   | armv7l       |
| alpine/3.11/i386 (1 more)    | Alpine 3.11 i386 (20200220_13:01)    | i686         |
| alpine/3.11/ppc64el (1 more) | Alpine 3.11 ppc64el (20200220_13:00) | ppc64le      |
| alpine/3.11/s390x (1 more)   | Alpine 3.11 s390x (20200220_13:00)   | s390x        |


local:. , lxc image list. list , — local:

lxc image list local:



lxc image aliasManage image aliases
lxc image copyCopy images between servers
lxc image deleteDelete images
lxc image editEdit image properties
lxc image exportExport and download images
lxc image importImport images into the image store
lxc image infoShow useful information about images
lxc image listList images
lxc image refreshRefresh images
lxc image showShow image properties


lxc image copy images:alpine/3.11/amd64 local: --alias=alpine3

Image copied successfully!


lxc image -c lfdatsu list local:

|  ALIAS  | FINGERPRINT  |            DESCRIPTION             | ARCHITECTURE |
| alpine3 | 73a3093d4a5c | Alpine 3.11 amd64 (20200220_13:00) | x86_64       |


, LXD , YAML-, , , , , .. , .

lxc config , . , , , :

lxc config set images.auto_update_cached=false


lxc init : . local: . , , . , , .


lxc init alpine3 alp --storage=hddpool --profile=default --profile=hddroot


  • alpine3 — () . , Fingerprint .
  • alp —
  • --storage — Storage Pool , , , hddroot , hddpool, lxc profile show hddroot
  • --profile —

, init- :

lxc start alp

, lxc launch lxc init lxc start .


lxc list -c ns46tb
| NAME |  STATE  |       IPV4       | IPV6 |   TYPE    | STORAGE POOL |
| alp  | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | hddpool      |


lxc config show alp

architecture: x86_64
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: Alpine 3.11 amd64 (20200326_13:39)
  image.os: Alpine
  image.release: "3.11"
  image.serial: "20200326_13:39"
  image.type: squashfs
  volatile.base_image: ebd565585223487526ddb3607f5156e875c15a89e21b61ef004132196da6a0a3
  volatile.eth0.host_name: vethb1fe71d8
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:5f:73:3e
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]' '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
    path: /
    pool: hddpool
    type: disk
ephemeral: false
- default
- hddroot
stateful: false
description: ""

profiles , — default hddroot. devices , default. , --expanded:

lxc config show alp --expanded

architecture: x86_64
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: Alpine 3.11 amd64 (20200326_13:39)
  image.os: Alpine
  image.release: "3.11"
  image.serial: "20200326_13:39"
  image.type: squashfs
  volatile.base_image: ebd565585223487526ddb3607f5156e875c15a89e21b61ef004132196da6a0a3
  volatile.eth0.host_name: vethb1fe71d8
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:5f:73:3e
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]' '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
    name: eth0
    network: lxdbr0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: hddpool
    type: disk
ephemeral: false
- default
- hddroot
stateful: false
description: ""

IP ^

IP eth0 lxc config device set alp , , eth0 default:

lxc config device set alp eth0 ipv4.address

Error: The device doesn't exist

IP eth0 , . , :

lxc config device add alp eth0 nic name=eth0 nictype=bridged parent=lxdbr0 ipv4.address=

LXD 3.21 (bridge network), network, nictype parent:

lxc config device add alp eth0 nic name=eth0 network=lxdbr0 ipv4.address=


lxc restart alp

, --expanded eth0, default:

lxc config show alp

architecture: x86_64
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: Alpine 3.11 amd64 (20200326_13:39)
  image.os: Alpine
  image.release: "3.11"
  image.serial: "20200326_13:39"
  image.type: squashfs
  volatile.base_image: ebd565585223487526ddb3607f5156e875c15a89e21b61ef004132196da6a0a3
  volatile.eth0.host_name: veth2a1dc59d
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:0e:e2:71
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]' '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
    name: eth0
    nictype: bridged
    parent: lxdbr0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: hddpool
    type: disk
ephemeral: false
- default
- hddroot
stateful: false
description: ""


, , , lxc exec . , shell , , (pipe) .., , :

lxc exec alp -- /bin/sh -c "echo \$HOME"

\ $ $HOME , .

, , hotkey CTRL+D:

lxc exec alp -- /bin/sh


LXD . .

RAM () ^

limits.memory RAM . .

RAM 256 MB:

lxc config set alp limits.memory 256MB

, :

  • limits.memory.enforce
  • limits.memory.hugepages
  • limits.memory.swap
  • limits.memory.swap.priority

lxc config show , :

lxc config show alp

architecture: x86_64
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: Alpine 3.11 amd64 (20200220_13:00)
  image.os: Alpine
  image.release: "3.11"
  image.serial: "20200220_13:00"
  image.type: squashfs
  limits.memory: 256MB
  volatile.base_image: 73a3093d4a5ce0148fd84b95369b3fbecd19a537ddfd2e2d20caa2eef0e8fd60
  volatile.eth0.host_name: veth75b6df07
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:a1:e7:46
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[]' '[]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
devices: {}
ephemeral: false
- default
stateful: false
description: ""

CPU () ^


  • limit.cpu —
  • limits.cpu.allowance — CFS, , CPU,
  • limits.cpu.priority — , , ,

lxc config set alp limits.cpu.allowance 40%

lxc config show alp

architecture: x86_64
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: Alpine 3.11 amd64 (20200220_13:00)
  image.os: Alpine
  image.release: "3.11"
  image.serial: "20200220_13:00"
  image.type: squashfs
  limits.cpu.allowance: 40%
  limits.memory: 256MB
  volatile.base_image: 73a3093d4a5ce0148fd84b95369b3fbecd19a537ddfd2e2d20caa2eef0e8fd60
  volatile.eth0.host_name: veth75b6df07
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:a1:e7:46
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[]' '[]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
devices: {}
ephemeral: false
- default
stateful: false
description: ""

^, limits.write ( ZFS BTRFS):

lxc config device set alp root size=2GB

, devices.root.size :

lxc config show alp
    path: /
    pool: hddpool
    size: 2GB
    type: disk
ephemeral: false
- default
- hddroot
stateful: false
description: ""

lxc info:

lxc info alp
  Processes: 5
  Disk usage:
    root: 1.05GB
  CPU usage:
    CPU usage (in seconds): 1
  Memory usage:
    Memory (current): 5.46MB
  Network usage:
      Bytes received: 802B
      Bytes sent: 1.59kB
      Packets received: 4
      Packets sent: 14
      Bytes received: 0B
      Bytes sent: 0B
      Packets received: 0
      Packets sent: 0

, 2GB, df . .

2 Storage Pool (hddpool):

lxc init alpine3 alp1 --storage=hddpool --profile=default --profile=hddroot
lxc init alpine3 alp2 --storage=hddpool --profile=default --profile=hddroot

lxc list
| NAME |  STATE  |       IPV4       | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
| alp1 | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         |
| alp2 | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         |


lxc exec alp1 -- dd if=/dev/urandom of=file.img bs=1M count=1000

, :

lxc exec alp1 -- ls -lh
total 1000M  
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     1000.0M Mar 27 10:16 file.img

, , , , Storage Volume Storage Pool:

lxc exec alp2 -- ls -lh
total 0

df :

lxc exec alp1 -- df -hT
Filesystem           Type            Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop1           btrfs           9.3G   1016.4M      7.8G  11% /

lxc exec alp2 -- df -hT
Filesystem           Type            Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop1           btrfs           9.3G   1016.4M      7.8G  11% /

/dev/loop1 Storage Pool , .



lxc info alp

Name: alp
Location: none
Remote: unix://
Architecture: x86_64
Created: 2020/04/08 18:05 UTC
Status: Running
Type: container
Profiles: default, hddroot
Pid: 19219
  eth0: inet        veth2a1dc59d
  eth0: inet6   fe80::216:3eff:fe0e:e271        veth2a1dc59d
  lo:   inet
  lo:   inet6   ::1
  Processes: 5
  Disk usage:
    root: 495.62kB
  CPU usage:
    CPU usage (in seconds): 1
  Memory usage:
    Memory (current): 4.79MB
  Network usage:
      Bytes received: 730B
      Bytes sent: 1.59kB
      Packets received: 3
      Packets sent: 14
      Bytes received: 0B
      Bytes sent: 0B
      Packets received: 0
      Packets sent: 0



, :

lxc snapshot alp snapshot1

lxc snapshot list, , :

lxc info alp
  snapshot1 (taken at 2020/04/08 18:18 UTC) (stateless)

lxc restore :

lxc restore alp snapshot1

. , , . , !

lxc delete alp/snapshot1

stateless-. LXD — stateful, . stateful- .


lxc delete, , lxc stop:

lxc stop alp

lxc list

| NAME |  STATE  |       IPV4        | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
| alp  | STOPPED | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER | 0         |

, STOPPED, Storage Pool:

lxc delete alp


, LXD :

lxc export alp /backups/alp.tar.gz --instance-only

? ^

UPDATE 10.04.2020 15:00:
UPDATE 11.04.2020 06:00: . !
UPDATE 11.04.2020 07:30: " LXD"
UPDATE 11.04.2020 08:40: ,
UPDATE 14.04.2020 16:10:

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