Design-Token können mehr: Sie können eine einzige Informationsquelle über UI-Komponenten erstellen

Der Begriff "Design System" in der IT hat lange niemanden ĂĽberrascht. Unternehmen systematisieren das Produktdesign, indem sie ihre eigenen erfinden oder die Tools anderer verwenden, um Stile, Muster und Komponenten zu verwalten. 

Badoo ist keine Ausnahme: Mit unserem Cosmos-Designsystem unterstĂĽtzen wir allgemeine Designprinzipien fĂĽr vier Anwendungen, die auf vier Plattformen ausgefĂĽhrt werden. 


Eines der ersten und wichtigsten Dinge, mit denen die Arbeit an der Erstellung eines Entwurfssystems beginnt, sind Token (oder Variablen), die die Werte verschiedener Entitäten des Systems bestimmen. 

Wie es funktioniert? Sie haben beispielsweise eine Anwendung fĂĽr zwei Plattformen. Anstatt die Schriftgröße und den Schriftstil in der CSS-Datei jeweils neu anzugeben, können Sie diese Werte in einer JSON-Datei speichern, die fĂĽr jede Plattform problemlos in Code konvertiert werden kann. In Zukunft kann diese Datei in anderen Projekten mit anderen Codebasen verwendet werden. 

Trotz des Potenzials von Design-Token bleibt ihre Struktur in vielen Unternehmen recht einfach, was die Verwendungsmöglichkeiten stark einschränkt. 

(Cristiano Rastelli), - Cosmos. , : . 

— , - Badoo .

, ( ) - , , — , (elevation).

: - - , .
, .

- ,

, - « ». .

, : Design System Playground. , , — . 

- — , «» :

, -

, - Figma, Sketch Framer. , , . .

- -: , , , , , .

: . , , , - .

, - , :

  1. ;
  2. .


- .
- « — », . , , — ( ). 

( - ) (, , ). , , - .

, (, ), , , . , - . , - — . . .

Badoo -

, -, , . -.

- (Lifestyle Badge)

, , JSON- Lifestyle Badge ( Style Dictionary):

   "lifestylebadge": {
       "height": {
           "value": "34",
           "type": "size"
       "border_radius": {
           "value": "17",
           "type": "size"
       "padding": {
           "start": {
               "value": "{}",
               "type": "size"
           "end": {
               "value": "{}",
               "type": "size"
       "icon_size": {
           "value": "{}",
           "type": "size"
       "spacing_icon_text": {
           "value": "{spacing.xsm.value}",
           "type": "size"
       "base": {
           "text_color": {
               "value": "{color.gray_dark.value}",
               "type": "color"
           "background_color": {
               "value": "{color.gray_light.value}",
               "type": "color"
       "selected": {
           "text_color": {
               "value": "{color.white.value}",
               "type": "color"
           "background_color": {
               "value": "{color.primary.value}",
               "type": "color"

( , iOS, Android) ( (white label brands)).

, , , -:

Lifestyle Badge Android -

. , «» — — , , .

. Sketch- ( Sympli) , . - /, , . 

, - .

- (Action Sheet). (gravity)!

, , . 

  • - : , - /. , — , .
  • (, ) / (, ), JSON- . : !

- , .


- (Theo Style Dictionary) « — ». , - , .

, , , . , , . . , , , .

, - -, «/» («documentation/comment»). , -. documentation, comment, , : , - .


   "actionsheet": {
       "item": {
           "height": {
               "value": "48",
               "type": "size",
               "documentation": {
                   "comment": "Notice: this is the 'internal' size, the border will be added as extra"


— «» ("type"). , . 

, :

   "color": {
       "primary": {
           "value": "{color.palette.purple_grape.value}",
           "type": "color"
   "icon": {
       "size": {
           "xsm": {
               "value": "10",
               "type": "size"
   "tooltip": {
       "shadow": {
           "opacity": {
               "value": "0.08",
               "type": "opacity"
       "animation": {
           "timing_bounce": {
               "value": "0.9",
               "type": "time",
               "unit": "s"
   "chat": {
       "bubble": {
           "relative_width": {
               "value": "0.8",
               "type": "ratio"
   "actionsheet": {
       "gravity": {
           "value": "center",
           "type": "string"

«» . , XML- Android:

«» , Android


Android XML- /, "type"

: «» ("group"). , .

(, ). :


, : «» ("color"), — «» ("alias"). , ( color-palette-purple-grave) , , isAlias.


- "type",

, . .

— - .

, «» ("group") , , ( ) .
- :

// color/xxx.json
    "color": {
        "primary": {
            "value": "{color.palette.purple_grape.value}",
            "type": "color",
            "group": "brand"
        "generic_red": {
            "value": "{color.palette.pink_salmon.value}",
            "type": "color",
            "group": "generic"
        "gray_dark": {
            "value": "#767676",
            "type": "color",
            "group": "mono"
        "feature": {
            "verification": {
                "value": "{color.palette.blue_neon.value}",
                "type": "color",
                "group": "features"
        "provider": {
            facebook": {
                "value": "#4867aa",
                "type": "color",
                "group": "providers"
        "others": {
            error": {
                "value": "{color.generic_red.value}",
                "type": "color",
                "group": "others"

// icon.json
    "icon": {
        "size": {
            "xsm": {
                "value": "10",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
            "sm": {
                "value": "16",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
            "md": {
                "value": "22",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
            "lg": {
                "value": "30",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
            "xlg": {
                "value": "36",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
            "xxlg": {
                "value": "46",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
        "jumbo-size": {
            "sm": {
                "value": "{}",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
            "md": {
                "value": "{}",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"
            "lg": {
                "value": "{brick.size.lg.value}",
                "type": "size",
                "group": "size"

// spacing.json
    "spacing": {
        "xsm": {
            "value": "4",
            "type": "size",
            "group": "size"
        "sm": {
            "value": "8",
            "type": "size",
            "group": "size"
        "md": {
            "value": "12",
            "type": "size",
            "group": "size"
        "lg": {
            "value": "16",
            "type": "size",
            "group": "size"
        "xlg": {
            "value": "24",
            "type": "size",
            "group": "size"
        "xxlg": {
            "value": "32",
            "type": "size",
            "group": "size"
        "gap": {
            "value": "{spacing.lg.value}",
            "type": "size",
            "group": "size"

Sass ( Sass maps, ):

$tokens-color-map: (
    providers: (
        provider-facebook: $token-color-provider-facebook,
    mono: (
        black: $token-color-black,
        gray-dark: $token-color-gray-dark,
        gray: $token-color-gray,
        gray-light: $token-color-gray-light,
        white: $token-color-white
    others: (
        error: $token-color-error,
    brand: (
        primary: $token-color-primary,
    generic: (
        generic-red: $token-color-generic-red,
    features: (
        feature-verification: $token-color-feature-verification
$tokens-icon-map: (
    size: (
        size-xsm: $token-icon-size-xsm,
        size-sm: $token-icon-size-sm,
        size-md: $token-icon-size-md,
        size-lg: $token-icon-size-lg,
        size-xlg: $token-icon-size-xlg,
        size-xxlg: $token-icon-size-xxlg,
        jumbo-size-sm: $token-icon-jumbo-size-sm,
        jumbo-size-md: $token-icon-jumbo-size-md,
        jumbo-size-lg: $token-icon-jumbo-size-lg
$tokens-spacing-map: (
    size: (
        xsm: $token-spacing-xsm,
        sm: $token-spacing-sm,
        md: $token-spacing-md,
        lg: $token-spacing-lg,
        xlg: $token-spacing-xlg,
        xxlg: $token-spacing-xxlg,
        gap: $token-spacing-gap


Sass-, -

, / , — , , , . ., Sass- , , .

Sass- .

. . -.
CSS/Sass. , , JavaScript:

- , , "group"

— CSS--JS. (, ) / « — », -.
"group" TypeScript-. :

declare namespace Tokens {
    namespace Color {
        enum Providers {
            PROVIDER_FACEBOOK = 'provider-facebook',
        enum Mono {
            BLACK = 'black',
            GRAY_DARK = 'gray-dark',
            GRAY = 'gray',
            GRAY_LIGHT = 'gray-light',
            WHITE = 'white'
        enum Others {
            ERROR = 'error',
        enum Brand {
            PRIMARY = 'primary',
        enum Generic {
            GENERIC_RED = 'generic-red',
        enum Features {
            FEATURE_VERIFICATION = 'feature-verification'
        type Color = Providers | Mono | Others | Brand | Generic | Features;
    namespace Icon {
        enum Size {
            XSM = 'xsm',
            SM = 'sm',
            MD = 'md',
            LG = 'lg',
            XLG = 'xlg',
            XXLG = 'xxlg',
            JUMBO_SM = 'jumbo-sm',
            JUMBO_MD = 'jumbo-md',
            JUMBO_LG = 'jumbo-lg'
    namespace Spacing {
        enum Size {
            XSM = 'xsm',
            SM = 'sm',
            MD = 'md',
            LG = 'lg',
            XLG = 'xlg',
            XXLG = 'xxlg',
            GAP = 'gap'
export default Tokens;

TypeScript- ( IDE).
- , , . , : font-family, font-size, line-height font-weight. 

-, « H1»? , . , , / ? 

, , , .


  • - — , .
  • - -, UI-.
  • - . , « — ».

, :

  • -;
  • ;
  • Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript;
  • ( ) .

, -. - . , ( ) , -, , .

. , , , , .


P. S. , -, - , , . W3C, . , Badoo -, : How to manage your Design Tokens with Style Dictionary.

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