حول ترجمة "الفائدة" بدون فائدة

حقيقة أنني غرقت في المستنقع ، أصبح من الواضح بعد 4 ساعات من بدء التنقيب عن هذا الزوج من المصطلحات (وما زلت لم أحفر سعر الفائدة) - كانت هناك أمثلة غير متوقعة ، لذلك أنا آسف ، سيكون هناك "الكثير من الحروف" .

= interest — , « , »interest ( ).

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I was also beginning to have people from outside Bridgewater ask me how they could create idea meritocracies of their own.

, , SpaceX, …
Later on, when I asked him how he came to start his company SpaceX, the audacity of his answer startled me.

… I asked him about checks and balances of power…

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… you will be able to ask what lifestyle or career you should choose given…

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… when clients ask what “we” think, they aren’t asking what just anyone thinks…

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… it's common for interviewers to ask exactly how much space a data structure takes up ...


Rather, they weigh carefully the feelings of all concerned parties…

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Dennis Gabor, the business strategist, is less concerned with predicting the future.

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… we don't really care about the groupings of families because we're concerned about the population as a whole.

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Most interviewers are okay with your asking for them to refresh your memory on little details. They're much more concerned with your big picture understanding.

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Our concern, however, is with the portion of the program that uses the network.


… 1990 , .
… and in 1990 he wrote us looking for our opinion on a big concern of his.

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… temporarily insert yourself into the workflow of the area you’re looking at to gain a better understanding…

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The level of interviewer participation depends on your performance, the difficulty of the question, what the interviewer is looking for, and the interviewer's own personality.

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Since we're just looking for the number of paths, we can use a hash table.


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… expect to continue to write them until people don’t care to read them…

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… there will always be some percentage of the population who won’t care for the community…

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… when we don’t care whose product or brand we take (“They are all the same”)…

They will find out the set of company products and services that their customers would care about…

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Several of the new line managers… didn’t have… levels of caring to oversee the quality-control process


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Rather, by capturing our attention they manage to accumulate immense amounts of data about us, which is worth more than any advertising revenue.

… I got a lot of media attention

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Because I was one of the few people who had seen these things coming, I started to get a lot of attention.

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It is one thing to create awareness, another to draw sustained attention


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I’d just dive in after things I wanted and try to survive long enough to learn from my mistakes and improve.

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… there will be people who put what they want above the…

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So they don’t want PR to get an upper hand.


«» — for x1 x2, . , ?
A naive solution to the problem is straightforward: iterate in a for loop from xl to x2, setting each pixel along the way. But that's hardly any fun, is it?

It can be surfing the World Wide Web for information or just for fun.


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Open-minded people are more curious about why there is disagreement.

, Google.
If you are curious, ask Google.


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I would love to know what principles guided Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs…

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I especially loved doing these things with people who were on the same mission with me.


Palantir .
Palantir interviews for a specific team.

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Reality is optimizing for the whole—not for you.

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… if some issue seems exceptionally important to you, make the effort to read the relevant scientific literature.

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You always pay attention to those people who you most value. At the same time, you ignore people you do not value.

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… Implementers… ensure that important activities are carried out and goals accomplished; they are focused on details and the bottom line.

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This new deputy brought on other layers of support, including a project manager who was less engaged with the concepts and much more focused on the details of specific tasks and deadlines.

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I now find it thrilling to embrace reality, to look down on myself through nature’s perspective, and to be an infinitesimally small part of the whole.

Our leaders must be indifferent to material gains and dedicate themselves to their work.

Why I turned to neuroscience

Communications aimed at getting the best answer should involve the most relevant people.

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… building great things that haven’t been built before.

Know how the people you’re considering operate…

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… you need to develop a value proposition that will attract the most able people to join your company…

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Each competitor will attract those customers who favor its major attribute.

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They see providing service as a duty and an overhead, not as an opportunity and a marketing tool.

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Finding talented and motivated employees and retaining them is a key to business success.

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Would you fit well with the culture and values? What are you excited about?

Ask good questions and demonstrate your passion for the company.

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True, when you have multiple loyalties, conflicts are sometimes inevitable.

Management is the task of making trade-offs and juggling contradictions.

The company also sets objectives with respect to stakeholders…

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However, when in addition to Rokia’s personal story the researchers also presented people with statistics about the broader problem of poverty in Africa, respondents suddenly became less willing to help.

Microsoft – , , , .
Microsoft isn’t the buildings it owns, the people it employs or the shareholders it serves.

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… whom I judged to be exceptionally thoughtful and selfless.

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In a way I never intended, our trial-and-error discovery process has put us at the cutting edge of academic thinking about personal development within organizations.

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By meaningful work, I mean work that people are excited to get their heads into

It also means being willing to put others ahead of your own desires.

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Marketing is the business function that… calls upon everyone in the organization to think and serve the customer.

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Good implementation needs buy-in from those who are to carry out the plan.

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The aim of the experiential marketer is to add drama and entertainment to what otherwise might pass as stale fare.

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How do you get your whole company to think and breathe customer?

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… purchasing people… can tell stories about the difference between effective and poor selling styles.

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They can fight for you to be hired-or not!

I can go into more details if you'd like

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We can ignore any number outside of this specific range.

However, something surprising is happening in the UMTS core network.

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