الوعي المكاني: ما الذي يمكن أن تفعله نظارات Hololens؟

اليوم ، سنقفز في مجال الوعي المكاني مع نظارات Microsoft Hololens ونتحدث عن تطوير Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) ، وكذلك ما يمكن توقعه من الجيل الثاني.

, Hololens Unity Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK).

UWP Microsoft.


Hololens – (Mixed Reality), (Spatial Awareness). Microsoft . EasyAR SDK 4.0 Sparse & Dense SpatialMap, .

Microsoft «» (25 ): Scene Understanding SDK.

, Spatial Understanding, Holotoolkit 2017.4.1.0 ( – MRTK) Unity 2017.4. – «How-To: Use Spatial Understanding to Query your Room with HoloLens».

, Hololens .

«» Hololens?

(: )

Hololens ToF- .
. , , Hololens ( ):

Hololens Spatial Awareness

– Unity, 3D-. .

«» (entry) , . Hololens : , , . Hololens .

( 5–10 , / ). . , , , .

Spatial Awareness MRTK Unity.
MRTK Microsoft. , Unity , github.


  • Observation Extents = 1.0f – ;
  • TPM = 600 – (scanning density). , ( );
  • Surface Update Time = 0.3f () – .


, Unity:

  • mesh.vertices Vector3 []– ;
  • mesh.triangles int []– , ;
  • mesh.uv Vector2[]– UV-.
    vertices triangles, :

, : :

  • i;
  • pi(x,y,z);
  • pi, i:



  • Adj(i)– , pi;
  • qj– , pi.

Wiki Unity , . MarkGX 2011 ( ). laplacianFilter, :

  • Vector3[] sv;
  • int[] t – , . ( ).

() . :

itt[k],t[k+1],t[k+2]: i, , , .


, , x, y, z, .


    public static Vector3[] laplacianFilter(Vector3[] sv, int[] t)
        Vector3[] wv = new Vector3[sv.Length];
        List<Vector3> adjacentVertices = new List<Vector3>();

        float dx = 0.0f;
        float dy = 0.0f;
        float dz = 0.0f;

        for (int vi=0; vi< sv.Length; vi++)
            adjacentVertices = MeshUtils.findAdjacentNeighbors (sv, t, sv[vi]);

            if (adjacentVertices.Count != 0)
                dx = 0.0f;
                dy = 0.0f;
                dz = 0.0f;

                for (int j=0; j<adjacentVertices.Count; j++)
                    dx += adjacentVertices[j].x;
                    dy += adjacentVertices[j].y;
                    dz += adjacentVertices[j].z;

                wv[vi].x = dx / adjacentVertices.Count;
                wv[vi].y = dy / adjacentVertices.Count;
                wv[vi].z = dz / adjacentVertices.Count;
        return wv;


, «» . , . , .

piqi() oidi.



αdi. , di, , :


i, biβ[0;1]:



. .

, (α=0). «» β=0,5.


, ( ) «» .

Hololens , . , , , .

Extents , , .

, , (, Azure Kinect Snapdragon). .

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