الخطأ ليس UIAlertController

غالبًا ما ينظر المصممون الذين أعمل معهم إلى رسائل الخطأ في iOS على أنها شيء واضح. وبشكل خاص ، بصفتك UIAlertController.

تحدد تطبيقات Apple المثبتة مسبقًا الاتجاه. ومن المنطقي أن يعتبر مصممو الواجهة أن هذا النهج أصلي وصحيح.

في الوقت نفسه ، يأتي العديد من مطوري iOS في روسيا وكومنولث الدول المستقلة بشكل مستقل لرفض UIAlertController ، مما يسبب لي الاحترام الصادق والإثارة.

, UIAlertController. , UIAlertController .

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  2. UIAlertController.
  3. UIAlertController .
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Apple Human Interface Guidelines :

Minimize alerts. Alerts disrupt the user experience and should only be used in important situations like confirming purchases and destructive actions (such as deletions), or notifying people about problems. The infrequency of alerts helps ensure that people take them seriously. Ensure that each alert offers critical information and useful choices. – Apple, Human Interface Guidelines, iOS, Views, Alerts.

. , (, ), . . , . – Apple, Human Interface Guidelines, iOS, Views, Alerts.

Prefer nonintrusive status messages over alerts. Alerts disrupt the user experience. List error messages inline with content instead of displaying them in alerts. – Apple, Human Interface Guidelines, Architecture, Error Handling.

. . , . – Apple, Human Interface Guidelines, Architecutre, Error Handling.

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, Apple . .


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  1. https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/carplay/architecture/error-handling/
  2. https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/views/alerts/
  3. https://medium.com/s/user-friendly/the-art-of-the-error-message-9f878d0bff80
  4. https://uxplanet.org/how-to-write-good-error-messages-858e4551cd4
  5. https://www.kaylaheffernan.com/blog/2014/12/9/error-messages
  6. https://medium.com/@thomasfuchs/how-to-write-an-error-message-883718173322

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