تعلم الآلة بلغة R باستخدام حزمة mlr3

المصدر: https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/

مرحبا يا هابر!

في هذا المنشور ، سننظر في النهج الأكثر عمقًا لتعلم الآلة باللغة R اليوم - حزمة mlr3 والنظام البيئي من حولها. يعتمد هذا النهج على OOP "العادي" باستخدام فئات R6 وعلى تمثيل جميع العمليات بالبيانات والنماذج في شكل رسم بياني حسابي. يتيح لك ذلك إنشاء خطوط أنابيب انسيابية ومرنة لمهام تعلُم الآلة ، ولكن في البداية قد يبدو الأمر معقدًا ومربكًا. أدناه سنحاول تحقيق بعض الوضوح والتحفيز على استخدام mlr3 في مشاريعك.


  1. القليل من التاريخ والمقارنة مع الحلول المنافسة
  2. التفاصيل الفنية: فئات R6 وحزمة data.table
  3. المكونات الرئيسية لخط أنابيب ML في mlr3
  4. تعيين معلمات هايبر
  5. نظرة عامة على النظام البيئي Mlr3
  6. أنابيب ورسم بياني للحسابات


caret — ,

caret R ( CRAN 2007 ). 2013 Applied Predictive Modeling, .


  • ( - );
  • (-), , , ;
  • , caret- - ;
  • — , xgboost nrounds, max_depth, eta, gamma, colsample_bytree, min_child_weight subsample.


  • — , . ;
  • : , . recipes , ;
  • - (nested resampling), caretEnsemble.

tidyverse strikes back

tidymodels, recipes ( «» , ), rsample ( ) tune ( ).


  • «» , ;
  • , embed textrecipes;
  • , . ( tune);
  • workflows «» .


  • , tune . «» , , apply/map-;
  • . , 200 ;
  • - .

mlr3 vs

mlr3 mlr , caret tidymodels. mlr , mlr3.


  • R6-, data.table;
  • . , ;
  • API , learner — ;
  • .


  • : , ( ), ;
  • .

2. : R6- data.table

mlr3 «» , R6-. R6- , . Advanced R, , .

R6- R6Class():


Accumulator <- R6Class("Accumulator", list(
  sum = 0,
  add = function(x = 1) {
    self$sum <- self$sum + x 


new(), (, , ) :

x <- Accumulator$new() 

, , :

#> [1] 4

R6- :

y1 <- Accumulator$new() 
y2 <- y1

c(y1 = y1$sum, y2 = y2$sum)
#> y1 y2 
#> 10 10

clone() ( clone(deep = TRUE) ):

y1 <- Accumulator$new() 
y2 <- y1$clone()

c(y1 = y1$sum, y2 = y2$sum)
#> y1 y2 
#> 10  0

, R6 mlr3.

data.table ( , data.table data.table: R). - data.table, := . , , 2 , . , , .

3. ML- mlr3

: https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/

mlr3 :


task <- TaskClassif$new(id = "iris", 
                        backend = iris, 
                        target = "Species")
# <TaskClassif:iris> (150 x 5)
# * Target: Species
# * Properties: multiclass
# * Features (4):
#   - dbl (4): Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width

# learner_rpart <- mlr_learners$get("classif.rpart")
learner_rpart <- lrn("classif.rpart", 
                     predict_type = "prob", 
                     minsplit = 50)
# <LearnerClassifRpart:classif.rpart>
# * Model: -
# * Parameters: xval=0, minsplit=50
# * Packages: rpart
# * Predict Type: prob
# * Feature types: logical, integer, numeric, factor, ordered
# * Properties: importance, missings, multiclass, selected_features, twoclass, weights

# ParamSet: 
#                id    class lower upper levels     default value
# 1:       minsplit ParamInt     1   Inf                 20    50
# 2:      minbucket ParamInt     1   Inf        <NoDefault>      
# 3:             cp ParamDbl     0     1               0.01      
# 4:     maxcompete ParamInt     0   Inf                  4      
# 5:   maxsurrogate ParamInt     0   Inf                  5      
# 6:       maxdepth ParamInt     1    30                 30      
# 7:   usesurrogate ParamInt     0     2                  2      
# 8: surrogatestyle ParamInt     0     1                  0      
# 9:           xval ParamInt     0   Inf                 10     0

learner_rpart$train(task, row_ids = 1:120) 
# n= 120 
# node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
#       * denotes terminal node
# 1) root 120 70 setosa (0.41666667 0.41666667 0.16666667)  
#   2) Petal.Length< 2.45 50  0 setosa (1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000) *
#   3) Petal.Length>=2.45 70 20 versicolor (0.00000000 0.71428571 0.28571429)  
#     6) Petal.Length< 4.95 49  1 versicolor (0.00000000 0.97959184 0.02040816) *
#     7) Petal.Length>=4.95 21  2 virginica (0.00000000 0.09523810 0.90476190) *

: (task) (learner).

(TaskClassif , TaskRegr ..) new(). id, backend target; positive. : mlr_tasks$get("iris") tsk("iris").

mlr_learners get() train(), task , . : lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type = "prob", minsplit = 50). (predict_type = "prob") (minsplit = 50). : learner_rpart$predict_type <- "prob", learner_rpart$param_set$values$minsplit = 50.


preds <- learner_rpart$predict_newdata(newdata = iris[121:150, ])
# <PredictionClassif> for 30 observations:
#     row_id     truth   response prob.setosa prob.versicolor prob.virginica
#          1 virginica  virginica           0       0.0952381     0.90476190
#          2 virginica versicolor           0       0.9795918     0.02040816
#          3 virginica  virginica           0       0.0952381     0.90476190
# ---                                                                       
#         28 virginica  virginica           0       0.0952381     0.90476190
#         29 virginica  virginica           0       0.0952381     0.90476190
#         30 virginica  virginica           0       0.0952381     0.90476190

- 5 :

cv10 <- rsmp("cv", folds = 5)

resample_results <- resample(task, learner_rpart, cv10)
# INFO  [09:37:05.993] Applying learner 'classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 1/5) 
# INFO  [09:37:06.018] Applying learner 'classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 2/5) 
# INFO  [09:37:06.042] Applying learner 'classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 3/5) 
# INFO  [09:37:06.074] Applying learner 'classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 4/5) 
# INFO  [09:37:06.098] Applying learner 'classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 5/5) 

# <ResampleResult> of 5 iterations
# * Task: iris
# * Learner: classif.rpart
# * Warnings: 0 in 0 iterations
# * Errors: 0 in 0 iterations

#    (-):
#            key        params iters
# 1:   bootstrap repeats,ratio    30
# 2:      custom                   0
# 3:          cv         folds    10
# 4:     holdout         ratio     1
# 5: repeated_cv repeats,folds   100
# 6: subsampling repeats,ratio    30

. score() resample_results, — accuracy "classif.acc" classification error "classif.ce". , get(): mlr_measures$get("classif.ce"). msrs():

resample_results$score(msrs(c("classif.acc", "classif.ce")))[, 5:10]
#        resampling resampling_id iteration prediction classif.acc classif.ce
# 1: <ResamplingCV>            cv         1     <list>   0.8666667 0.13333333
# 2: <ResamplingCV>            cv         2     <list>   0.9666667 0.03333333
# 3: <ResamplingCV>            cv         3     <list>   0.9333333 0.06666667
# 4: <ResamplingCV>            cv         4     <list>   0.9666667 0.03333333
# 5: <ResamplingCV>            cv         5     <list>   0.9333333 0.06666667


— . , .

. paradox:

searchspace <- ParamSet$new(list(
  ParamDbl$new("cp", lower = 0.001, upper = 0.1),
  ParamInt$new("minsplit", lower = 1, upper = 10)
# ParamSet: 
#          id    class lower upper levels     default value
# 1:       cp ParamDbl 0.001   0.1        <NoDefault>      
# 2: minsplit ParamInt 1.000  10.0        <NoDefault> 

ParamSet, cp minsplit; rpart .

, searchspace . tune() Tuner. . resolution, , param_resolutions, . , , .

generate_design_grid() , :

                     param_resolutions = c("cp" = 2, "minsplit" = 3))
# <Design> with 6 rows:
#       cp minsplit
# 1: 0.001        1
# 2: 0.001        5
# 3: 0.001       10
# 4: 0.100        1
# 5: 0.100        5
# 6: 0.100       10

: generate_design_random() generate_design_lhs() .

, . Terminator-, , ( ), . mlr3tuning:


evals20 <- term("evals", n_evals = 20)
# <TerminatorEvals>
# * Parameters: n_evals=20

#             key
# 1:   clock_time
# 2:        combo
# 3:        evals
# 4:   model_time
# 5:         none
# 6: perf_reached
# 7:   stagnation


tuning_instance <- TuningInstance$new(
  task = TaskClassif$new(id = "iris", 
                        backend = iris, 
                        target = "Species"),
  learner = lrn("classif.rpart", 
                predict_type = "prob"),
  resampling = rsmp("cv", folds = 5),
  measures = msr("classif.ce"),
  param_set = ParamSet$new(
    list(ParamDbl$new("cp", lower = 0.001, upper = 0.1),
         ParamInt$new("minsplit", lower = 1, upper = 10)
  terminator = term("evals", n_evals = 20)

# <TuningInstance>
# * State:  Not tuned
# * Task: <TaskClassif:iris>
# * Learner: <LearnerClassifRpart:classif.rpart>
# * Measures: classif.ce
# * Resampling: <ResamplingCV>
# * Terminator: <TerminatorEvals>
# * bm_args: list()
# * n_evals: 0
# ParamSet: 
#          id    class lower upper levels     default value
# 1:       cp ParamDbl 0.001   0.1        <NoDefault>      
# 2: minsplit ParamInt 1.000  10.0        <NoDefault>  

Tuner, :

tuner <- tnr("grid_search", 
             resolution = 5, 
             batch_size = 2)

# as.data.table(mlr_tuners)
#              key
# 1: design_points
# 2:         gensa
# 3:   grid_search
# 4: random_search

resolution = 5, 25 . 20 , terminator = term("evals", n_evals = 20). batch_size — , . mlr3 — , .

tnr("design_points"): , ( — , mlr3 ).

, :

result <- tuner$tune(tuning_instance)

, result . , tuner$tune() tuning_instance:

# $tune_x
# $tune_x$cp
# [1] 0.001
# $tune_x$minsplit
# [1] 5
# $params
# $params$xval
# [1] 0
# $params$cp
# [1] 0.001
# $params$minsplit
# [1] 5
# $perf
# classif.ce 
#       0.04 

result <- tuning_instance$archive(unnest = "params")
result[order(classif.ce), c("cp", "minsplit", "classif.ce")]
#         cp minsplit classif.ce
#  1: 0.00100        5 0.04000000
#  2: 0.00100        3 0.04000000
#  3: 0.00100        8 0.04000000
#  4: 0.00100        1 0.04000000
#  5: 0.00100       10 0.04666667
#  6: 0.02575       10 0.06000000
#  7: 0.07525        5 0.06000000
#  8: 0.02575        8 0.06000000
#  9: 0.02575        3 0.06000000
# 10: 0.05050        1 0.06000000
# 11: 0.07525        3 0.06000000
# 12: 0.07525        1 0.06000000
# 13: 0.05050        3 0.06000000
# 14: 0.02575        5 0.06000000
# 15: 0.05050        5 0.06000000
# 16: 0.05050        8 0.06000000
# 17: 0.10000        3 0.06000000
# 18: 0.10000        8 0.06000000
# 19: 0.05050       10 0.06000000
# 20: 0.10000        1 0.06000000

       aes(x = cp, y = classif.ce, color = as.factor(minsplit))) +
  geom_line() + 
  geom_point(size = 3)

, tune():

  1. Tuner ( batch_size);
  2. Learner Task . ResampleResult ( BenchmarkResult);
  3. Terminator , . , 1, , ;
  4. ;
  5. , ( , , msr("classif.ce", aggregator = "median").

tuning_instance$bmr, BenchmarkResult, score() as.data.table(tuning_instance$bmr). , , ResampleResult tuning_instance$archive():

tuning_instance$archive()[1, resample_result][[1]]$score()[, 4:9]
#       learner_id     resampling resampling_id iteration prediction classif.ce
# 1: classif.rpart <ResamplingCV>            cv         1     <list> 0.06666667
# 2: classif.rpart <ResamplingCV>            cv         2     <list> 0.16666667
# 3: classif.rpart <ResamplingCV>            cv         3     <list> 0.03333333
# 4: classif.rpart <ResamplingCV>            cv         4     <list> 0.03333333
# 5: classif.rpart <ResamplingCV>            cv         5     <list> 0.00000000

, :

res <- tuning_instance$archive(unnest = "params")
res[, ce_resemples := lapply(resample_result, function(x) x$score()[, classif.ce])]
ce_resemples <- res[, .(ce_resemples = unlist(ce_resemples)), by = nr]
res[ce_resemples, on = "nr"]

5. mlr3

: mlr3, mlr3tuning paradox. , - mlr3verse:

# install.packages("mlr3verse")
## Loading required package: mlr3
## Loading required package: mlr3db
## Loading required package: mlr3filters
## Loading required package: mlr3learners
## Loading required package: mlr3pipelines
## Loading required package: mlr3tuning
## Loading required package: mlr3viz
## Loading required package: paradox

  • mlr3db dbplyr data.table.
  • mlr3filters , ( ).
  • mlr3learners (regr.glmnet, regr.kknn, regr.km, regr.lm, regr.ranger, regr.svm, regr.xgboost) (classif.glmnet, classif.kknn, classif.lda, classif.log_reg, classif.multinom, classif.naive_bayes, classif.qda, classif.ranger, classif.svm, classif.xgboost). .
  • mlr3pipelines (pipelines), . , , CRAN, : remotes::install_github("https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3pipelines").
  • mlr3tuning .
  • mlr3viz , .
  • mlr3measures — ~40 . mlr3verse , .

, .


(pipelines) , , .

— , , — . PipeOpLearner(), — PipeOpFilter(), — PipeOp(). ( po()) :

pca <- po("pca")
filter <- po("filter", 
             filter = mlr3filters::flt("variance"), 
             filter.frac = 0.5)
learner_po <- po("learner", 
                 learner = lrn("classif.rpart"))


graph <- pca %>>% filter %>>% learner_po

. , :

gr <- Graph$new()$
  add_pipeop(mlr_pipeops$get("copy", outnum = 2))$
  add_pipeop(mlr_pipeops$get("featureunion", innum = 2))

  add_edge("copy", "scale", src_channel = 1)$        
  add_edge("copy", "pca", src_channel = "output2")$  
  add_edge("scale", "featureunion", dst_channel = 1)$
  add_edge("pca", "featureunion", dst_channel = 2)

gr$plot(html = FALSE)

, (po("learner", learner = lrn("classif.rpart"))). , :

glrn <- GraphLearner$new(graph)
# <GraphLearner:pca.variance.classif.rpart>
# * Model: -
# * Parameters: variance.filter.frac=0.5, variance.na.rm=TRUE, classif.rpart.xval=0
# * Packages: -
# * Predict Type: response
# * Feature types: logical, integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered, POSIXct
# * Properties: importance, missings, multiclass, oob_error, selected_features, twoclass,
#   weights

GraphLearner Learner. , Learner-, :

resample(tsk("iris"), glrn, rsmp("cv"))
# INFO  [17:17:00.358] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 1/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:00.615] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 2/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:00.881] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 3/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:01.087] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 4/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:01.303] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 5/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:01.518] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 6/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:01.716] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 7/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:01.927] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 8/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:02.129] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 9/10) 
# INFO  [17:17:02.337] Applying learner 'pca.variance.classif.rpart' on task 'iris' (iter 10/10) 
# <ResampleResult> of 10 iterations
# * Task: iris
# * Learner: pca.variance.classif.rpart
# * Warnings: 0 in 0 iterations
# * Errors: 0 in 0 iterations

, issue How to deal with different preprocessing steps as hyperparameters:

gr <- pipeline_branch(list(pca = po("pca"), nothing = po("nop")))

caret tidymodels !

, mlr3. mlr3 book .

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